Index of Crown prosecutors known to be involved in Ottawa’s Domestic Terrorism Network

A work in progress with ~8 crooked judges involved in covert, court-enabled child abduction and human trafficking: last updated 20250130 10:21 e.s.t.

Over-simplified Illustration of Organizations Involved is viewable here.

20250130 My e-mail to the Crown regarding consent for my 20250129 Application for an adjournment of trial dates (insert e-mail).

20250129 OCJ Form 1 Application to adjourn criminal matters until my Appeal of Kerry Lee McVey’s scandalous 20250127 Vexatious Declaration (see details at is ruled upon.

Newly assigned Crown is Daivd Rodgers: I served on him (and Malcolm Savage and Lauren Hannough-Bermans) my Application prior to filing it to see if they would simply provide consent.



Parties to Offence

Sec. 23(1)

Accessory After the Fact

Sec. 380(1)(a)


Sec. 300

Defamatory Libel

Sec. 465(1)(b)

Conspiracy to Prosecute

Sec. 139(3)

Offence of Obstructing Justice

Sec. 134

Giving A False Sworn Statement

Sec. 126(1)

Disobey a Statute

Sec. 83.18

Terrorist Activities

Jonathan (John) Kiska

(i.e. “connected” husband)

Crown Prosecutors                    
Boyce, Mike (ON) .
Cardinal, Patrick (PQ)
Holowka, Brian (ON)
Karimjee, Moiz (ON)
Ramsay, John (ON)
Savage, Malcolm (ON)
Stewart, Vivian-Lee (ON)