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Fee Waiver Certificate: MS Word (editable) & with proof in PDF || Form 14F (editable) & back page (editable)
Statement of Claim: MS Word(editable) , issued and saved as a pdf
b e t w e e n
Deirdre Moore (plaintiff)
Montfort Renaissance (defendant)
STATEMENT OF CLAIM for $to be determined plus costs
(link to court-enabled fraud as this Civil Action progresses)
drafting of claim started 20240715 11:36 || last updated 20240717 11:52 || All links must be converted to new filename convention
A LEGAL PROCEEDING HAS BEEN COMMENCED AGAINST YOU by the plaintiff. The claim made against you is set out in the following pages.
IF YOU WISH TO DEFEND THIS PROCEEDING, you or an Ontario lawyer acting for you must prepare a statement of defence in Form 18A prescribed by the Rules of Civil Procedure, serve it on the plaintiff’s lawyer or, where the plaintiff does not have a lawyer, serve it on the plaintiff, and file it, with proof of service in this court office, WITHIN TWENTY DAYS after this statement of claim is served on you, if you are served in Ontario.
If you are served in another province or territory of Canada or in the United States of America, the period for serving and filing your statement of defence is forty days. If you are served outside Canada and the United States of America, the period is sixty days.
Instead of serving and filing a statement of defence, you may serve and file a notice of intent to defend in Form 18B prescribed by the Rules of Civil Procedure. This will entitle you to ten more days within which to serve and file your statement of defence.
IF YOU PAY THE PLAINTIFF’S CLAIM, and $4,000 for costs, within the time for serving and filing your statement of defence you may move to have this proceeding dismissed by the court. If you believe the amount claimed for costs is excessive, you may pay the plaintiff’s claim and $400 for costs and have the costs assessed by the court.
TAKE NOTICE: THIS ACTION WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE DISMISSED if it has not been set down for trial or terminated by any means within five years after the action was commenced unless otherwise ordered by the court.
Date: July 16, 2024 Issued by: Local registrar “?Sakshi?”
Ontario Superior Court of Justice, 161 Elgin Street, Ottawa, ON K2P 2K1
TO Montfort Renaissance Inc. 1900, boulevard St-Joseph, Ottawa, Ontario K1C 1E4 CLAIM
- Plaintiff Deirdre Moore (“Andee”) claims against the Defendant (“Montfort Renaissance”):
- a. Pecuniary damages in the amount of $10,997,851 due to its:
- i. breach of fiduciary duty and/or negligence;
- ii. willful blindness and/or recklessness; and/or
- iii. intentional infliction of emotional suffering, negligent infliction of emotional suffering and/or assistance in breach of fiduciary duty
- a. Pecuniary damages in the amount of $10,997,851 due to its:
of Andee, a devoted mother of two and Ontario taxpayer; and/or,
- iv. breach of fiduciary duty, assistance in breach of fiduciary duty, negligence, willful blindness and/or recklessness;
- v. complicity to obstruction of justice, torture, trafficking in persons and/or terrorist activities and/or
- vi. abuse of taxpayer-funded status and/or public service agency enabled, promoted and/or funded by:
- the Province of Ontario,
- the City of Ottawa,
- the Trillium Foundation of Ontario,
- United Way Canada,
- The Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre,
- Montfort Hospital and/or
- The Voice of Older Adult Centres.
- b. Aggravated damages in the amount of $50,000 for wilfully causing a 100+ detention to occur, costing taxpayers at least $500/day unnecessarily;
- c. Compensatory damages in the amount of $300 for theft of property; and,
- d. Special damages (including, but not limited to, the “keying” of her Epson ScanSnap scanner by someone at MRI) in an amount to be determined with particulars provided prior to trial;
- e. Pre- and post-judgement interest pursuant to ss. 128 and 129 of the Courts of Justice Act (“CJA”), R.S.O. 1990, c. C.43, as amended;
- f. Costs of this action on a full indemnity basis; and
- g. Such further and other relief as this Honourable Court deems just.
🔥 Ideally, an amount that will force them into bankruptcy. 🔥
- On 20240128, Andee arrived at the MRI location situated at 215 North River Road in Ottawa, Ontario: she had been referred by a social worker who operated from The Ottawa Hospital (“TOH”): she signed all of MRI’s required consent forms[1].
- Andee also handed to staff (for storage), a small bottle of tequila: she explained that she prefers tequila to pharmaceupticals as a CNS-depressant[2] should she again begin to experience insomnia.
- The “house rules”[3] regarding the permitted use of electronics were ridiculous given Andee’s legal quagmire[4]; however, she resorted to producing legal documents on a “best-efforts basis” because—given the lack of reasonable options—she literally had no other choice.[5]
- On 20240209, after being accused of:
a. engaging in “drug talk”[6] and
b. being “negative”[7]
by a so-called social worker (“Josh”), Andee was forced to sign an anti-Charter[8], custom-made, behaviour contact[9]; else, she would be evicted immediately with “one hour to leave the premises”.
- On 20240212, Andee was expelled from mandatory “Group Therapy” for informing the MRI social workers that it was incredibly insensitive to ask her to describe:
- a. her “role in [her] family” and
- b. “how [her role] had changed”
given the fact that she hasn’t seen nor heard her children in over five years—a fact of which they were well aware.[10]
- Later on 20240212, when Andee asked for extra time with her computer in order to:
- a. produce court documents required for two 20240216 criminal court appearances,
- b. prepare a Notice of Motion (family court) and
- c. prepare Case Conference (family court and civil court) requests,
the MRI manager (“Chantal”) refused stating “[I can’t: it’s a rule]”.
- On 20240213, Andee was again expelled from mandatory “Group Therapy” because she informed the social workers that their exercise for the day went against Christian values.[11]
- Later on 20240213, Andee spent about an hour calling shelters with Counsellor Asma: there were no beds available at any of the locations they called.
- On 20240214 at 08:00, when Andee was retrieving her computer/phone from the administration office, she requested a letter that explained she was only permitted to use technology for six hours per day; this way, she could provide evidence to the courts on 20240216 of why her 20240213 Applications were incomplete. At approximately 09:10, Chantal and Josh said that they could not provide such a letter.
- On 20240214, Andee began to publish the harassment (ie. torts and/or crimes) that she was experiencing at MRI on her corporate website www.pfi.ROCKS.[12]
- On 20240215, Andee was at the courthouse and delivering exposure materials for most of the afternoon: when she returned to MRI at approximately 18:00, she was immediately informed by a social worker that Chantal wanted to meet before Andee left court the next morning.
- Andee explained that she needed to prepare her speaking notes as she had two criminal matters scheduled and asked them to adjourn the meeting until the following Monday: her request was refused.
- On 20240216, Chantal and two other women threatened Andee. They stated that they were not able to provide the services that Andee required; then, they accused her of experiencing a “mental health crisis” that could be treated at a hospital.[13]
- Upon return from her two court appearances on 20240216, Andee saw all of her valuables—except for her groceries, her tequila and her hiking boots—sitting on the front step along with a taxi chit.
- Later that evening, Andee attended her ~$2,000,000 property and was arrested by the Ottawa Police Service (“OPS”): she was released on bail over 100 days later on June 5, 2024.[14]
- After here release, Andee requested the return of all of her stolen possessions; however, only her hiking boots were offered for return.
- On 20240615, while Andee put on her boots, MRI staff shouted through the window to state that they would be calling the OPS if she did not leave the property within five minutes.[15]
- Interestingly, that night immediately upon return to her new shelter—the Shepherds of Good Hope (“SGH”)—rogue staff (“Nick”):
- a. accused Andee of misconduct,
- b. harassed her off of the premises and
- c. attempted to break into her locker.
When Andee phoned OPS, she was charged and arrested instead.[16]
- As of 20240715 12:00, no one at MRI compensated Andee for her stolen items valued at approximately $300 as she remained:
- a. battling her husband, John Kiska, and his many accomplices in multiple branches of court,
- b. penniless and without shelter (despite co-owning a home valued at approximately ~$2,000,000),
- c. waiting for expense recovery from Ontario Works,
- d. forced to endure “Group Harassment by Inaction” and
- e. mourning the loss of her two beautiful children, Sean & Cate, for five years, five months and 14 days.
- On 20240716, MRI threatened Andee with legal action in an e-mail laden with errors, omissions and malicious obfuscation.[17]
- In addition, as of 20240716, MRI has made no attempt to mitigate the impact of this civil action on their taxpayer-funded entity: they are as fearless[18] of any consequences as is Kiska.
- But for the negligent, careless, tortious, malicious and/or criminal behaviour of MRI, Andee could have celebrated her son Sean’s 18th birthday with him and his sister Cate on 20240508—assuming they’re still alive.
- Andee has now been fully alienated from Sean & Cate and, even worse, they have sustained the irreparable harm that is associated with not only parental alienation but child alienation.
- Due to the actions and inactions of MRI—including, but not limited to, not reporting Kiska or the #TDVCA Municipal Mafia to the OPP or the RCMP as required pursuant to section 21(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada (“CCC”)—Andee also continues to endure: childlessness, homelessness, poverty; and, humiliation, demonization, ostracization, marginalization and unemployability which continues to this day.
- One can only imagine how many other homeless women (and men) MRI has profited from while providing zero
- Hopefully, this pleading is not “prolix” and does not offend the “principal of proportionality” as noted at paragraph 29 by Madam Justice D. Summers in her Honour’s 20171116 decision, Kiska v. Moore 2017 ONSC 6872 (CanLII), which permits Andee to seek multiple damages from Kiska for violations of both civil law and the Criminal Code of Canada in a … FAMILY … COURT … SETTING.[19]
July 16, 2024 | Deirdre Moore, no fixed address
despite co-owning 1244 Lampman Crescent, Ottawa, ON K2C 1P8 no current phone || dmoore@pfi.rocks |
Endnotes (ie. undeniable evidence of torts and/or crimes committed by Montfort Renaissance Inc.)
[1] See:
- 20240128 signed consent forms stored here: https://twb.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/20240128-Montfort-Renaissance-OriginalContract.pdf,
- 20240127 notes from MRI intake meeting with “Taylor” (pages 3-4) and 20240126 2-page letter to The Ottawa Hospital (“TOH”) psychiatrists Doug Wilkins and Andrea Bardell (pages 1-2) here: https://twb.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/20240126-27-TOH-MRI-collusion-re-Delusional-Disorder_Doug-Wilkins-Taylor_SAQOTU-Andee-Sea-Cae-Jak.pdf
[2] That is, chemical depressant of one’s central nervous system
[3] MRI house rules (viewable here: https://twb.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/20240128-Montfort-Renaissance-Electronics-Time-Schedules.pdf) equated “phone time” to computer time, even if it was used to prepare legal documents required to end my own homelessness, prepare my own criminal defence or battle vexatious litigants in civil court (see https://twb.rocks/organized-crime/vis/julie-audet, https://twb.rocks/mummygate/witness-list, https://twb.rocks/the-darkumentary (respectively).
[4] See pre-February 2024 Legal Quagmire at https://pfi.rocks/legal-quagmire.
[5] See draft S. 699 Application (https://twb.rocks/mummygate/s-699) and draft Third-party Records Application (https://twb.rocks/third-party-records).
[6] Andee does not do drugs and has little knowledge of their use.
[7] When asked for feedback by the MRI social workers, Andee explained that watching potentially-triggering TedTalks and infommercials did not qualify as “Group Therapy”.
[8] That is, Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms
[9] See 20240209 signed-under-duress MRI Behaviour Contract stored at https://twb.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/20240209-Custom-Montfort-Renaissance-Contract.pdf.
[10] See draft “Characteristics of a Sociopaths” #26 at https://twb.rocks/understanding-predators/characteristics.
[11] They were attempting to force her to write a “letter of forgiveness” to herself.
[12] See https://twb.rocks/organized-crime/entity/montfort-renaissance
[13] Hear evidence published on YouTube at https://youtu.be/1h6eO4OeL2g?si=JAE-ojlnhSX_iaG3.
[14] See 20240605 OCJ Release Order at (insert link)
[15] (insert recording and related photographs of event)
[16] See parital details at https://twb.rocks/organized-crime/entity/shepherds-of-good-hope. After serving 12 days prior to any conviction, the OPS’s bogus s. 140 charge was dropped.
[17] See 20240716 e-mail published here: https://twb.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/001872KJ-20240716-1304-Email-from-MRI_Multiple-crimes.pdf
[18] In addition to Kiska and other #TDVCA Municipal Mafia members, MRI staff, executive and Directors should also be “put under glass” for intense study.
[19] that is, if the court-positioned members of Doug Ford’s #TDVCA Provincial Mafia ever permit her to schedule a divorce trial
Deirdre Moore
Devoted mum, whistle-blower, demon slayer & court jester no fixed address (while co-owning 1244 Lampman Crescent, Ottawa, ON K2C 1P8) no working phone (while being owed hundreds of thousands of dollars in retroactive spousal and child support, occupational rent and, arguably, significant damage awards) |