Deirdre Moore and Ottawa Police Services Board
CV-21-00087056 Civil Action by Moore & CV-23-00091267 Retaliatory Maneouvre by OPSB
OPSB 20230706 Affidavit re Application to avoid liability and further torture Moore
Main Page: Michelle Doody || OPSB Application EO&MO | 20230706 OPSB Affidavit EO&MO || Two Shysters || #TDVCA || Ottawa Swimlanes
(A Work-in-Progress due 20230807 >> last updated 20230707 07:13 e.s.t. F-i/B-a)
Para # |
The actual 20230706 Affidavit pdf served is here. Note that OPSB has had the testimony and evidence which refutes their allegations for months and, in some cases, years. |
Type of error, omission &/or malicious obfuscation |
Actor/Enabler Reference |
Torts |
Crimes | Other |
I, Crystal Murphy, of the City of Ottawa, in the Province of Ontario, MAKE OATH AND SAY: | ||||||
01 | I am a law clerk with the firm of Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (“BLG”), lawyers of record for the Ottawa Police Services Board, hereinafter referred to as the Applicant. I have been assisting Michelle Doody (“Ms. Doody”), the lawyer with BLG with carriage of this matter, on an on-going basis. As such, I have personal knowledge of the matters to which I hereinafter depose, except where expressly stated to be based on information and belief, in which case I do verily believe the information to be true. |
This is an excellent way for a BLG lawyer Michelle Doody (“Doody”) to evade criminal liability: get a junior law clerk such as Crystal Murphy (“Murphy”) to violate S. 134(1) of the CCC “Giving a False Sworn Statement”. This way Doody is never charged and the crooked cops at OPSB will simply never press charges even if I file a police complaint … which I will.
All law enforcement involved will be paid for their participation in the theatre (at taxpayer’s expense) and Doody and Murphy simply move on to the de-frauding of the next OPSB/Ottawa City Hall target. |
So far, only Master Fortier who scheduled the 20231005 hearing … and the simultaneous exchange of Factums when, normally, my responding Factum would be due after the Applicant’s Factum eg. Rule 21.03 (3) in Rules of Civil Procedure | |||
02 | I am swearing the within Affidavit in order to provide a chronology of the pleadings and events in support of the within Application being brought by the Applicants for an Order pursuant to Section 140 of the Courts of Justice Act, R.S.O 1990, c. C.43. prohibiting the Respondent from instituting further proceedings in any Court except by leave of a Judge of the Superior Court of Justice, and an Order that any proceeding previously instituted by the Respondent in any Court not be continued. | Family-related actions currently in progress are:
Current Civil Actions against multiple Syndicate members who not only violated Ontario’s civil laws; but, committed multiple crimes to contribute to my character assassination, impoverishment, homelessness, criminalization, demonization and/or complete parental and child alienation of Sean & Cate include:
Future Civil Actions against multiple Syndicate members who not only violated Ontario’s civil laws; but, committed multiple crimes to contribute to my character assassination, impoverishment, homelessness, criminalization and/or complete parental and child alienation of Sean & Cate include:
see detailed testimony below | |||
The Family Law and Child Protection Proceedings | ||||||
03 | Justice Summers’ decision dated November 16, 2017, issued in Family Court File No. FC-15-2446-0, sets out the factual background which has given rise to the numerous proceedings initiated by Deirdre Moore, the Respondent in this Application (“Ms. Moore”). Attached hereto and marked as Exhibit “A” is a copy of Kiska v. Moore, 2017 ONSC 6872. The decision sets out the background of the proceedings as follows:
[3] Ms. Moore and the Applicant, Jonathan Kiska, began living together in 1997. They married on July 22, 2000 and separated in the fall of 2015. According to Ms. Moore, separation occurred on September 23, 2015. Mr. Kiska states separation occurred October 9, 2015. The parties have two children: Sean Charles Kiska, born May 8, 2006; and Cate Stella Kiska, born November 30, 2007. [4] This application was commenced by Mr. Kiska on November 9, 2015 just before Ms. Moore was scheduled to leave the Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus, where she had been under voluntary observation for mental illness since October 11, 2015. He also served and filed material requesting leave to bring an urgent motion for custody but did not proceed. According to Ms. Moore’s Answer, she has now been diagnosed with psychosis NOS (not otherwise specified). [5] The difficulties for this family came to a head on October 9, 2015 when Mr. Kiska arrived home to discover that the children had been removed from the home along with their passports and other items. Ottawa Police Services were able to locate Ms. Moore, in Gatineau, and during the evening of October 11, 2015 she returned home with the children. She then drove herself to the Ottawa Hospital where she remained until November 12, 2015. [6] Ms. Moore’s mental illness first presented in February, 2013. Mr. Kiska’s pleading describes her symptomatic behaviours and psychotic episodes, the diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder, the history of her multiple hospitalizations and non-compliance with the medications prescribed. The application addresses the impact of Ms. Moore’s mental illness on the family. [7] In April, 2016 the parties reconciled for a brief period and separated for the final time on November 27, 2016. They were able to conclude an Interim Parenting Agreement on December 13, 2016 with the help of an experienced mediator. |
Murphy’s para. 3 was drafted to fully deceive the court and contribute to the ongoing defamation, de-frauding and torture of me, to the detriment of me, Sean & Cate. I continue these proceedings while simultaneously mocked by human traffickers/gangstalkers on Twitter/YouTube as Sean & Cate remain fully gaslit by their narcopath dad; trapped in the cesspool that is Ottawa, Ontario.
Following, at a minimum, incompetent representation by Blais, I brought a Motion in 2017 to Amend my exceptionally weak, forced Answer which was prepared by them (see Exhibit X with redacted version viewable here) and ignored the severity of Kiska’s verbal, emotional, psychological and psychiatric abuse (i.e. domestic violence as now codified in the Divorce Act. Moore’s Motion materials included:
which evidenced the allegations made and supported the damages that I was then permitted to seek in my Amended Answer (see Exhibit X). The background of the proceedings set out in the decision were for her Honour’s decision regarding an Amended Answer only; not a background regarding the entire divorce which, now six years later, has reached news-worthy, scandalous proportions due to the degree of domestic terrorism employed to avoid a divorce trial. [3] For the record:
[4] The application was commenced by Kiska only because he secured a lawyer first; career-criminal Bell Baker LLP lawyer Wade Smith (“Smith“) who was retained via one of my corporate AdvisorOnTrack Inc. cheques which Kiska stole from my home office and forged my signature (and the forgery upon which OPSB refused to press charges despite my reporting this crime in 2015 … along with my sexual assault complaint (see Exhibit X). As already noted, I made the mistake of informing Kiska that I would be divorcing him with grounds: cruelty. Furthermore, I wasn’t “under observation”. I agreed to stay voluntary to attend TOH’s occupational therapy program to help me better manage the ongoing abuse in order to try to avoid another abuse-induced psychotic break. The diagnosis, of which OPSB is well aware, was fine-tuned by Dr. Iris Jackson in 2017 to be “Brief Psychotic Disorder with marked stressors “which would have been INSERT QUOTE HERE to anyone in [my] circumstances” (see Exhibit X). During October-November 2015, I:
[5] The difficulties intensified when, fearing for our safety, I fled to a local hotel with top-notch security and attempted to find a shelter for victims of domestic violence. When Gatineau Police arrived, they saw that we were safe; but, offered no assistance claiming they “had no jurisdiction”. Unable to afford a hotel indefinitely, I had no choice but to return home where Kiska immediately escalated the “household nightmare”. Forcing Thanksgiving to be held at our house for the safety of Sean & Cate—and armed with new evidence of Kiska’s wickedness—once extended family arrived I mistakenly returned to TOH for assistance with spousal abuse. Dr. Gary Kay (“Kay”) ensured I was not fully “released” until after Kiska served me first and set the next stage of his narcissistic discard in motion; namely, legal warfare via:
[6] Abused-induced psychosis in not a chronic mental illness and medications provided post-realization that I was not bi-polar were PRN’d; that is, “take as necessary”. They were an anti-anxiety (“clonazepam”), a sleeping pill (“zopiclone”) and a so-called anti-psychotic (“olanzepine”). I haven’t required any since Sean & Cate were unlawfully apprehended and Kiska, mission accomplished, ceased his threats of their and my physical harm. The OPSB Application ignores the impact that Kiska’s verbal, emotional, psychological, psychiatric, sexual and fnancial abuse has had on me, Sean and Cate in order to replace it with a piece of fiction that fabricates a back-story of my non-existent mental illness in order to protect Kiska and all of his accomplices (the “Syndicate”). [7] There was no “reconciliation” as described in my para. 03 [3] 3. above. The Interim Parenting Agreement was the result of collusion between the mediator, Smith and Blais who set me up for financial ruin by including a shared parenting arrangement that did not address spousal or child support and included a dividend payment from my own savings that Kiska and Smith would later use against me to deny fair interim financial support. See:
Note that Kiska has refused to send to me a picture of Sean & Cate, a note from them or even a copy of their report cards since they were unlawfully ripped form my living room 01-FEB-23. As of January 2023, he ceased paying his fraudulently-obtained, below-poverty-level support of merely $1,230/month AND he somehow managed to renew the mortgage on our $1M+ home without me. See:
Tracy Engelking
04 | Ms. Moore and Mr. Kiska are also involved in a concurrent child protection matter (Court File No. 21-2627-DC), hereinafter referred to as the “child protection matter”. These matters are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Family Law Proceedings”. | My CAS appeal was denied following the ignorance of massive amounts of evidence of domestic violence which exceeds the 2,000 page limit of this Affidavit. Excerpts are contained at Exhibit X while the complete files (to which OPSB has had access to for months are stored in dropbox folder: XXXXXXXXX. | ||||
05 | In the child protection matter, Ms. Moore sought leave to appeal an interlocutory Order of Justice Pamela MacEachern (DC-512-21). Attached hereto and marked as Exhibit “B” is a copy of Ms. Moore’s Amended Amended Notice of Appeal. | The interlocutory order issued by Justice Pamela MacEachern (“MacEachern”) which I sought leave to appeal was not in the so-called “child protection matter” (“unlawful CAS Abduction”) but in the so-called “Family Law Proceedings” (that is, the Family Court-enabled Fraud, Torture & Human Trafficking Scheme aka “#TDVCA”); namely, file #FC-15-2246. Including the evidence ignored by Justice XXXXX would require a submission beyond my 2,000 page limit for this Affidavit. Excerpts are contained at Exhibit X while the complete files (to which OPSB has had access to for months, are stored in dropbox folder: XXXXXXXXX. |
06 | The Amended Amended Notice of Appeal enumerates over a dozen grounds, including errors of fact, errors of law, and bias. She also sought to introduce several pieces of fresh evidence. The Divisional Court denied Ms. Moore’s motion for leave to appeal. Attached hereto and marked as Exhibit “C” is a copy of the decision of the Divisional Court, Dierde Moore v Jonathan Kiska, 2022 ONSC 152, denying Ms. Moore’s request for leave to appeal. | The only reason Moore was required to introduce “fresh evidence” was due to the fact that MacEachern unlawfully prevented me from serving/filing proper Motion materials in the first instance: MacEachern ignored my request for a Motion and unlawfully scheduled a Case Conference in Family Court (after three bogus Settlement Conferences played out by Smith and Justice Engelking “Engelking” 2018) which forced me to serve/file a Conference Brief without a commissioned Affidavit and commissioned exhibits (also know as “evidence”). The denial contained zero reasons, ignored all of my evidence and, again, converted a #TDVCA target into a revenue stream for the perpetrator with an excessive cost award. See Motion materials at Exhibit X. | ||||
07 | Prior to the Divisional Court’s refusal to grant leave to appeal, at a case management conference which took place on February 25, 2021, Ms. Moore requested that Justice MacEachern recuse herself from hearing the matter on the grounds that she held a bias toward Ms. Moore. Justice MacEachern refused the request to recuse herself, holding that the fact that a judge has ruled on matters within a proceeding that one party disagrees with does not amount to a reasonable apprehension of bias. Attached hereto and marked as Exhibit “D” is a copy of Justice MacEachern’s Endorsement dated August 25, 2021. |
This statement is entirely false. I did not ask MacEachern to recuse herself for her scandalous 2019 decision to release to both the CAS and Kiska the entirely of my personal medical history as facilitated by shyster Snir: I asked her to recuse herself for breaking the law by scheduling Snir’s illegal removal from record in Family Court so he could trigger his $60,000 fee for doing zero to assist me, Sean or Cate. A transcript of the insanity that was that “Case Conference”, which also incriminates Kiska with respect to the lies he told via Smith at the unlawfully-Engelking-scheduled CAS Summary Judgment Motion (“SJM”), is included as Exhibit X.
The Respondent’s Civil Actions Against Her Former Counsel | ||||||
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Ms. Moore has initiated five actions against Victor Vallance Blais LLP, her former counsel, in the Family Law Proceedings. The first two actions were discontinued. Two others (Court File No. CV-19-80574 and Court File No. CV-19-80656) were dismissed by the Court pursuant to Rule 2.1.01 of the Rules of Civil Procedure on the basis that they devoid of merit on their face. The Rule 2.1 Endorsement of Justice Beaudoin in Court File No. CV-19-80574 is attached hereto as 26-4- < Exhibit “E”. The Rule 2.1 Endorsement of Justice Beaudoin in Court File No. CV-19-80656 is attached hereto as Exhibit “F”. |
09 | In the fifth action, Court File No. CV-19-79074, issued January 24, 2019, Ms. Moore seeks over $3,000,000 in general, compensatory, pecuniary, special and aggravated damages. She alleges that her former counsel gave her poor advice and representation and are responsible for, among other things, psychiatric and emotional damages to her and her children. The Statement of Claim is attached hereto as Exhibit “G”. |
10 | On February 25, 2021, Justice Gomery struck the Statement of Claim in the fifth action as disclosing no reasonable cause of action, and stayed the action pending final outcome of the Family Law Proceedings. Attached hereto and marked as Exhibit “H” is a copy of Justice Gomery’s decision dated February 24, 2021. |
11 | On July 29, 2022, Ms. Moore issued a Claim against Addelman Baum Gilbert Robinson LLP and Snir Law Office, which is the business name of Gonen Snir. Ms. Moore retained Addelman Baum Gilbert in 2019 to defend her against criminal charges. Ms. Moore retained Gonen Snir in 2019 to represent her in the Family Law Proceedings. Ms. Moore amended the Claim on January 24, 2023. A copy of the Amended Statement of Claim is attached hereto as Exhibit “I”. | |||||
12 | Ms. Moore further amended her Claim on February 7, 2023, and prepared the Fresh Amended Statement of Claim which is attached hereto as Exhibit “J”. | |||||
13 | Mr. Snir represented Ms. Moore in response to a motion for production of records sought by the Children’s Aid Society. On or about August 27, 2020, Justice Marc Smith made an Order 27-5- < removing Mr. Snir as counsel of record for Ms. Moore. Attached hereto as Exhibit “K” is a copy of the Statement of Defence of Snir Law Office. | |||||
14 | Ms. Moore noted the Defendant, Addelman Baum Gilbert (“Addelman”), in default. Addelman’s counsel brought a motion to have the noting in default set aside, which was successful. A copy of Justice Corthorn’s ruling on this motion is attached hereto as Exhibit “L”. | |||||
The Respondent’s Action Against Mr. Kiska | ||||||
15 | On January 13, 2021, Ms. Moore initiated an action in the Ontario Superior Court, Ottawa Small Claims Court (SC-21-158306), in which she seeks damages related to an alleged “apartment scam.” In this action, Ms. Moore has named nine defendants, including Cedric Nahum and Cedric Nahum Law, her former counsel in the child protection matter, as defendants. The Plaintiff’s Claim is attached hereto as Exhibit “M”. | |||||
16 | On May 18, 2023, the action was discontinued by Ms. Moore. Attached hereto and marked as Exhibit “N” is a copy of Deputy Judge Conway’s Endorsement dated May 18, 2023. | |||||
The Respondent’s Action Against Mr. Kiska’s Counsel | ||||||
17 | On or about May 14, 2018, the Respondent commenced civil action CV-18-76443 against Bell Baker LLP, who are counsel for Mr. Kiska in the Family Law Proceeding. In this action, Ms. Moore seeks damages from Bell Baker LLP for infliction of mental suffering flowing from their conduct during the Family Law Proceedings. Attached hereto and marked as Exhibit “O” is a copy of the Statement of Claim in Court File No. 18-76443. | |||||
The Respondent’s Action Against Dr. Paule Kemgni | ||||||
18 | On or about April 6, 2021, Ms. Moore commenced a civil action in the Ontario Superior Court, bearing Court File No CV-21-86202, in which she seeks $1,000,000 in damages from Dr. Kemgni and Jonathan Kiska for, inter alia, negligence, defamation, intentional infliction of mental suffering, negligent infliction of emotional suffering, breach of fiduciary duty, and malice. This action alleges that Dr. Kemgni, who conducted a court-ordered psychiatric assessment of Ms. Moore, authored an independent psychiatric assessment that was based on hearsay evidence, showed a reckless disregard for the truth, contained an abundance of false information and “maliciously obfuscated materials facts”. Attached hereto and marked as Exhibit “P” is a copy of the Statement of Claim in Court File Number CV-21-86202. | |||||
19 | In the Statement of Claim, Ms. Moore pleads that Dr. Kemgni has contributed to the parental alienation and child alienation that she has experienced due to Mr. Kiska’s alleged emotional, psychological and financial abuse. | |||||
20 | On April 7, 2022, Justice Williams stayed the action against Dr. Kemgni on the basis that it was not brought in the correct jurisdiction. A copy of Justice Williams’ decision is attached hereto as Exhibit “Q”. | |||||
The Respondent’s Action Against Mr. Kiska in Small Claims Court | ||||||
21 | Ms. Moore commenced an action against Mr. Kiska in the Ontario Superior Court, Ottawa Small Claims Court, in which she seeks damages for outstanding spousal support amounts. In this action, Ms. Moore alleges that the Court Order for spousal support of Justice Audet, dated September 10, 2018, was “fraudulent”, and that Justice Audet performed her duties in a way that was “incompetent”. Ms. Moore further alleges that the attempts by Mr. Kiska to pay his support through the Family Responsibility Office are a “scam”. The Plaintiff’s Claim for Court File No. SC-21-158279 is attached hereto as Exhibit “R”. | |||||
22 | The parties eventually agreed to a settlement of this matter. Attached hereto and marked as Exhibit “S” is a copy of Deputy Justice Bansie’s Endorsement dated October 8, 2021. | |||||
The Respondent’s Action Against the Attorney General of Canada | ||||||
23 | On or about April 6, 2021, the Respondent commenced civil action CV-21-86201 against the Attorney General of Ontario. In this action she seeks $1,000,000 in damages “due to Justice Calum MacLeod’s negligence, defamation, intentional infliction of emotional suffering and/or malice” and “negligent infliction of emotional suffering”, as a result of a final Order issued by Justice MacLeod in the child protection matter. More specifically, the Statement of Claim alleges that there were no materials properly before Justice MacLeod when he made the Order. Attached hereto and marked as Exhibit “T” is a copy of the Statement of Claim in Court File No. CV-2186201. | |||||
24 | The Statement of Claim further contains allegations of conspiracy against Mr. Kiska, Dr. Kemgni, and Mr. Kiska’s former counsel and the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa. | |||||
The First Civil Action Against the Ottawa Police Services Board | ||||||
25 | On or about April 6, 2021, the Respondent commenced a civil action, Court File No. CV- 21-86203 (the “First OPS Action”) seeking damages in the amount of $700,000. The named defendants are her former landlord, a real estate agent, a paralegal, Mr. Kiska, and the Ottawa Police Service Board. Attached hereto and marked as Exhibit “U” is a copy of the Statement of Claim in Court File No. CV-21-86203. | |||||
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The Second Civil Action Against the Ottawa Police Services Board | ||||||
34 | On or about July 26, 2021, Ms. Moore commenced a civil action against the Ottawa Police Service and four individual officers (the “Second OPS Action”). Attached hereto and marked as Exhibit “CC” is a copy of the Statement of Claim in Court File No. CV-21-87056. | |||||
35 | In the Second OPS Action, Ms. Moore seeks $5 million in damages for negligence, negligent investigation, defamation, complicity to arbitrary detention, torture, false imprisonment, assault, battery, accessory to mischief, conspiracy to prosecute, accessory to fraud, knowing assistance of breach in (sic) fiduciary duty, deliberate ignorance, malice, intentional infliction of emotional suffering, negligent infliction of emotional suffering and abuse of public service. |
36 | Ms. Moore alleges that OPS officers assisted Mr. Kiska in “illegal child apprehension” by removing her children from Ms. Moore’s home. | They did. Sean & Cate were not in any danger, imminent or otherwise. Imminent danger is required to remove children from their devoted mum without a warrant pursuant to S. XXXX of the CYFSA. Warnings have been issued to Child Abduction Services in the past (see Exhibit X); however, Syndicate members like Said and OPSB don’t obey the law. | ||||
37 | The Statement of Claim also pleads compensatory damages under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in the amount of $3 million, and punitive damages in the amount of $5 million. | |||||
38 | The Statement of Claim sets out the same allegations as against Mr. Kiska, Mr. Kiska’s counsel, Ms. Moore’s counsel, and the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa regarding the circumstances of the Family Law Proceedings. | No it doesn’t. (Insert comparison of allegations here). Plus, a claim against the CAS hasn’t even been originated yet. That one will include the fact that they buried THIS PIECE OF EVIDENCE regarding Kiska’s domestic violence as well as the ENTIRE 2018 Submission to Engelking. | ||||
39 | The OPS served and filed its Statement of Defence on September 14, 2021. Attached hereto and marked as Exhibit “DD” is a copy of the Ottawa Police Service Board’s Statement of Defence in Court File No. CV-21-87056. | |||||
40 | On September 16, 2021, Ms. Moore sent an email to Joanne Franks, Ms. Doody’s assistant at the time. In the email, Ms. Moore stated “…I will review your Statement of Defense (sic) to determine if I am required to prepare a Reply and look forward to next steps regardless – this action serving as good practice as I set my sights on Bell Baker LLP, the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa (“CAS”) and the Attorney General of Canada.” A copy of this email is attached hereto as Exhibit “EE”. | |||||
41 | On or about October 4, 2021, Ms. Moore sent an email to Ms. Doody, criticizing and critiquing the contents of the Statement of Defence. The email was riddled with sentences in all capital letters, highlighted terms, bolding and underlining. In the email Ms. Moore requested an in-person meeting, where she could explain how the OPS was “actively participating in this “Dispose of a Spouse” crime ring”. A copy of this email is attached hereto as Exhibit “FF”. | This demonstrates that I did everything in my power to demonstrate the torts and crimes being committed by Syndicate members positions as OPSB-employed law enforcement. Instead of acknowledging those involved as, perhaps, rogue employees and making a reasonable offer to settle (including, but not limited to, rescuing Sean & Cate from Kiska), OPSB chose to cover up the years of collusion and crime by bringing this Application to deny me justice in Civil court as well. | ||||
42 | On or about October 8, 2021, Ms. Moore sent an email to Ms. Doody in which she threatened to initiate a third civil action against the OPS, should they fail to investigate a police report Ms. Moore planned to file. In the email, Ms. Moore stated that the police report would outline “the multiple crimes committed by the white-collar, blue-collar, thug-collar crime ring that eliminated me, a devoted mum, from the lives of my children in the wickedest of ways”. A copy of this email is attached hereto as Exhibit “GG”. |
43 | In the same email, Ms. Moore suggests that Ms. Doody may become a “criminal’s accomplice” pursuant to section 21(1) of the Criminal Code. |
44 | On May 19, 2022, Ms. Doody sent an email to Ms. Moore advising that she had instructions to bring an Application to have Ms. Moore declared vexatious pursuant to Section 140 of the Courts of Justice Act. A copy of that email is attached hereto as Exhibit “HH”. | |||||
45 | On May 24, 2022, Ms. Moore sent Ms. Doody an email saying that she had “decided to take a different course of action” and intended to discontinue her action CV-21-00087057 against the Ottawa Police Service et al. (the Second OPS Action). Ms. Moore asked Ms. Doody whether her client would consent to the discontinuance or whether Ms. Moore would have to seek leave. A copy of this email is attached hereto as Exhibit “II”. | EXTRA TEXT: My allegation aren’t frivolous and my evidence against Ottawa’s Syndicate is undeniable. The term “Conspiracy Allegations” is being used to distract the court from the obvious torts and crimes that have occurred to my demise and for Kiska’s benefit. It’s obvious collusion and in the United States would be referred to as Racketeering. In Canada, CCC‘s S. XXX Conspiracy to Prosecute only addresses some of the Syndicate’s criminal activities; and, certainly, not the systemic human trafficking that keeps all of the taxpayer-funded cops, prosecutors, judges and more employed, let alone the obvious Defamatory Libel, Fraud, Theft and Torture. | ||||
46 | On August 30, 2022, Ms. Doody sent an email to Ms. Moore advising that she had instructions to consent to a discontinuance. Ms. Doody’s email included a draft Notice of Discontinuance and Consent. A copy of the email and the attachments are attached hereto as Exhibit “JJ”. |
47 | At some point after Ms. Doody sent the August 30, 2022, email, Ms. Moore added a page to her website accusing Ms. Doody of extortion. A print-screen of the website as accessed on July 5, 2023, is attached hereto as Exhibit “KK”. | Pursuant to S. XXX of the CCC, Doody’s behaviour was extortion: “[drop your lawsuit against us and agree to never seeks damages for any of this behaviour again]” was Extortion pursuant to S. XXX of the CCC which states ”
…….. I was not required to give up that right, I did not offer to give up that right and that right is (theoretically0 protected by the CRFF. |
48 | I swear this Affidavit in support of the Application for an Order pursuant to Section 140 of the Courts of Justice Act, and for no improper purpose. | Well, Murphy’s swearing to her commissioned fiction is a crime pursuant to S. XXX of the CCC. Whether or not she views this as “improper” is anyone’s guess. She’s just another Syndicate-affiliated, pathological liar who has zero fear of consequences. | Crystal Murphy |
Why? Because it’s been Years in the Making!