Fee Waiver Certificate: MS Word (editable) & with proof in PDF  ||  Form 14F (editable) & back page (editable)

Statement of Claim: MS Word(editable), issued and saved as a pdf 




b e t w e e n

Deirdre Moore   (plaintiff)


The Ottawa Hospital   (defendant)

STATEMENT OF CLAIM for $ to be determined plus costs

(link to court-enabled fraud as this Civil Action progresses)

drafting of claim started 20240718 04:12 || last updated 20240718 05:37






2013  ||  2014  ||  2015  ||  2016  ||  2017  ||  2018 ||  2019 ||  …  2024  


  1. On 20130303, following weeks of verbal, emotional and psychological abuse[1] from her husband, John Kiska[2] (“Kiska”), of 12 years, 7 months and 9 days, Deirdre Moore (“Andee”) was admitted to Emergency Psychiatry at the Civic Campus of The Ottawa Hospital (“TOH”)[3] .
  2. “Too sedated to be interviewed”, collateral information was collected from Kiska and Andee’s elderly parents.
  3. On 20130305, Andee was discharged with a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder with psychotic features by Dr. Daniel Saul (“Saul”).
  4. x
  5. On 2013mmdd, Dr. Doug Wilkins (“Wilkins”) interviewed Andee and mis-reported her answer to a very important question: “would you ever harm your children?”
  6. Andee’s answer was “No, but I can understand how people in my situation could [murder their children].”[4]
  7. What followed was years of Kiska and his many accomplices stating in medical files (eg. Ruth Maddock of the ROMHC) and legal documents that “Andee stated she would murder her children”.
  8. Describe Dr. Keith Anderson (“Anderson”) and insert collusion with lawyer Atkinson evidence against Consent and Capacity Board
  9. and Dr. Yoland Charbonneau (“Charbonneau”)


  1. Describe Charbonneau’s dual-role involvement at the Montfort Hospital and the ignorance Dr. Gilles Fleury’s “Acute Adjustment Disorder” as the “most responsible diagnosis”.
  2. x
  3. x
  4. Insert evidence against Consent and Capacity Board


  1. On 201510xx, Dr. Gary Kay (“Kay”) changed Andee’s diagnosis to Psychosis NOS.
  2. (Introduce Deanna Mercer, threat & link to 20181231 Submission to Engelking stored at https://pfi.rocks/organized-crime/vis/tracy-engelking.






  1. On 20240126, after their appointment, Andee wrote a 2-page letter to Wilkins (with a copy to Bardell) which detailed:

a. —

b. — and

c. –;

however, it was shared with “shelter” Montfort Renaissance that Andee suffered from a mental illness referred to as Delusional Disorder.[99]

  1. On 20240127, Andee was discharged with:

a. a “diagnosis” of poor mental health,

b. zero “treatment plan” and

c. zero “follow-up” plan.

  1. On 20240128, Andee was transported to the Montfort Renaissance for assistance; instead, she was harassed, threatened and robbed (insert endnote re: CV-24-00096488 at https://twb.rocks/organized-crime/entity/montfort-renaissance/cv-24-00096488).
  2. On 202407xx, seeking care for her newly-formed immobility issues, Andee was:

a. —

b. —

c. denied the opportunity to meet with psychiatry in order to correct her inaccurate mental health record by, according to Ho, Dr. Raphaela Gold,

d. given a $?78? taxi chit and

e. arrested for trespassing





[4] While in that mental state of psykosis (see definition of psyche + osis at https://pfi.rocks/resources), Andee was somewhat aware that we were in a spiritual battle. She could empathize with those who were enduring wickedness; those who might belief that removing their children from “this wicked world” would protect them. She was empathizing with recently suicided (see Matthew 8:28-34) Alison Easton (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ottawa-police-name-mother-2-children-in-murder-suicide-1.1375320). Important: the wickedness in no way refers to Alison’s husband, Jonathan Corchin, who lost his family that day … while main stream media blamed “mental illness” for his loss.

[99] See copy of 2-page letter and copy of MRI intake notes here: https://twb.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/20240126-27-TOH-MRI-collusion-re-Delusional-Disorder_Doug-Wilkins-Taylor_SAQOTU-Andee-Sea-Cae-Jak.pdf