pfi.ROCKS Archives! APRIL 2021
Photograph Heart in Love Wallpaper HD by
March ended with me preparing for multiple aspects of the dispose-the-spouse meat grinder that I have named “The Ottawa Ticket”:
- a Notice of Motion seeking leave to appeal (Civil Action: Victor Vallance Blais LLP) in the Court of Appeal,
- an appeal (CAS) in Divisional court,
- a third-party records motion (OCJ-criminal court),
- a bail review application (SCJ-criminal court),
- a Notice of Motion seeking leave to bring motions (SCJ-family branch)
- the issuance of a statement of claim to retrieve all of my possessions that were stolen during a 2019 eviction scam that involved my wicked ex (SCJ-Civil court);
- the issuance of a statement against the Ministry of the Attorney General regarding Justice Calum MacLeod’s 20190408 Final Protection Order when I had not received any materials, could not prepare any materials and he refused to adjourn.
- the issuance of a statement of claim against crooked Quebec psychiatrist ignored me for 21 days so that I would miss the CAS hearing and based an NCR assessment entirely on the hearsay of wicked ex and his (now diseased) companion sister.
- following up on the small claims action that I had to bring against Kiska in January 2021 because he has refused to e-transfer to me his court ordered support which is now NINE MONTHS overdue … as he lives in my $1,000,000 home (with my two vulnerable teens who know nothing about malignant narcissists, my dog and my cat) while he drives a Volvo wearing Hugo Boss and I slum it in poverty.
Photograph (June 27, 2019) John Kiska sticks out his tongue and gives me the finger while he phones his friends at Ottawa Police Service to have me arrested even though he has been in contempt of our court order for over FIVE months by denying me any communication with Sean and Cate. He and the CAS have lied to Sean and Cate about EVERYTHING since 2013. They have been TOTALLY gaslit and believe that I am mentally ill.
My ex, Jonathan Kiska, brings pathological lying to a whole new level. I cannot wait for this to be over.
I would never ask Sean and Cate to testify in court; however, they may want to when we get to the divorce trial. For others reading this who are a little older, know that there has already been precedent set: Teens can sue the CAS.
A very cool thesaurus is viewable here
On April 7, 2021, I was arrested following OPS Officer Cheryl Cross’s incredibly negligent investigation which lead to me being charged with three more counts of criminal harassment (I think against pathological liar and fraudster John Kiska) and two more breach allegations. (Yes, this is what we pay OPS and the Crown to do: torture me.) Anyhow, the whole thing was set up to force me to remove my evidence-laden, whistle-blowing website from public view. Alas, archives for this new site begin at April 11, 2021:
April 11, 2021
April 13, 2021
April 14, 2021
April 15, 2021
March 2021 (password protected) < || > May 2021
jump to 2020 MAIN (password protected) < || > jump to 2021 MAIN
Likely, Kiska has blocked this site from their devices. He claims that they can view it but I doubt that they can. My only hope is that some of their friends know what is going on and have let them know.
Hopefully someone has taken some screenshots of some of my work-in-progress (I need to re-post this here as the original is now password protected) Photo Album for them.
The problem is Kiska has has multiple devices and their AppleIDs. If someone e-mails or texts them, he can delete it and they would never know.
He used to gaslight Cate using a device with her ID and he would type texts FROM her to him. One time she said to me, “Mum, this is weird. I never wrote this.”
Now, imagine what Kiska has gotten away with without me being around to explain something as complex as gaslighting and narcissism to Sean and Cate.
The ONLY saving grace is that BOTH of my children are brilliant … though they may not know it at the moment.
When we get to the other side of this nightmare, they will be wise beyond their years and ready for anything: I cannot wait to grow old with them.
It is my hope that, instead of prison, Kiska is “put under glass” for further study. He would likely be quite useful in developing an effective sociopathy screening tool. Clearly, the world needs one of those.
I have no idea with respect to timing: when will Sean, Cate and I be re-united?
I hope that I am not bait for Supreme Court of Canada judges too. If that is the case, it means that I might have a couple of years of “this” left. While the time passes fast enough wrestling with the legal/judicial beasts, my health/fitness level has fallen through the floor as I work 24/7.
For the first time in decades, I look my age. I have aged 10 years in the last one. It does not really bother me as it is all worth it if we are actually ridding the community of all these freaking monsters. But, it may take some time for Sean and Cate to actually recognize me!
I am not platinum blond with roots anymore. I have almost “Cos-Play” hair which is silver and black. I do get lots of compliments though!