My Motion for “Extension in Time”

(so I can file on career-criminal family law lawyer Gonen Snir a complete Reply following Addelman’s delay  tactics.)

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Summary:  REPLACE with Motion-related intro

  • 202xmmdd  I brought a civil action against to Ottawa-based Shysters,
  • 20230208-9  Fresh Statement of Claim was served
  • 202302-06  Their Statements of Defense were served (after mucho shenanigans)
  • 20230628  I served a Reply which was rejected
  • 20230629  I served, scheduled and filed a Notice for Motion for an Extension in Time
  • Return to Intro page for details
  • Stay here to follow how this taxpayer-funded, crime-enabling Motion progresses.

A link to my first, 20230628 Combined Reply (with links to evidence of allegations) and correspondence relating to their refusal of consent to late filing (that led to this motion).

Status of the Motion pre-20230801 11:30 e.s.t.:

  1. My motion materials:
    • 20230629 Notice of Motion pdf (online version with links to evidence)
    • 20230801 Affidavit #1 pdf including XX exhibits (redacted to remove dropbox link & OPSB/OCA/CAS evidence as required) > online version with links to evidence:
    • 20230801 Factum (online version with links to evidence)
    • Motion Record
    • Draft Order 
    • Cost Submission 
    • Confirmation of Motion is here.
  1. Their responding materials:
    • Snir’s 202307xx Affidavit
    • Snir’s 202307xx Factum
    • Addelman’s 202307xx Affidavit
    • Addelman’s 202307xx Factum
  2. My responding 20230801 Affidavit #2 (redacted to remove dropbox link) with references to:

And of course, Exhibit AG:  Snir’s scandalous 2022 invoice—issued 28 months after he orchestrated his release from Moore’s files: padded to the max and evidences that he was aware she was being terrorized by the Syndicate …. and did nothing to stop it. See S. 21(1) of the CCC: Parties to Offense.

This is the online version of: 20230525 Affidavit #1 with exhibits A-AG & redacted versions are stored in my corporate dropbox account: xxxxxxxxx. To request unredacted versions, please e-mail

Unfortunately, on 20230801, I won’t be in a position to prove exactly how much of a crook either Snir or Addelman truly are because my attempts to obtain complete, unredacted 3rd-party records has been thwarted six times (so far):

  • 2020-2022, due to refusal by Tara MacDougall and Deborah Souder of the Children’s Aid Society (“CAS”) and SCJ-related accomplices as Ottawa City Hall does not want the #HumanTrafficking syndicate (which likely also spawns #OrganHarvesting) syndicate in the capital of Canada to be exposed,
  • yyyymmdd, when my request was refused by Ottawa Crown prosecutor Malcolm Savage and denied by OCJ judge Jonathan Brunet,
  • 2023mmdd, when my request became untenable after crooked NL Crown prosecutors dropped my bogus charges to avoid end my S. 699 Application permitted under the Criminal Code of Canada (“CCC“).
  • 2022 to present, as  Céleste Perrault-Levésque (“Levésque”) protects crooked psychiatrist Paule Kemgni (“Kemgni”) and
  • 202304xx to present, as Ontario’s Ministry of the Attorney General gives me the non-stop runaround (in order to protect Ottawa Police Services Board); delaying my ability to book a timely motion which was not even heard as scheduled (due to ongoing shenanigans) on 20230606.


They’re both liars, as evidenced at work-in-progress SAQOTU Documentary. It seems that most lawyers (and judges) are sociopaths and should be removed from the community.

Excerpt from scandalous 20211220 decision from Ontario’s Divisional Court’s Perell, Matheson and Kristjanson, JJ:

“[268]  Apart from the divided success, in any event, I would not have awarded costs against D.M. In her pursuit of access to justice, she is impeded by her mental illness and a costs award against an impecunious, homeless and impeded litigant is not in the interests of justice and would just be cold-hearted, meaningless, and just mean.”

Who’s going to haul these demons from Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice? Anyone? You think they’re just enabling fraud? Nope. #HumanTrafficking #Torture #OrganHarvesting Who will be there when they come for you & yours? No one.


#1  Justice Julie Audet & Fraud

Link to Julie Audet Victim Impact Statement (“VIS”) page

#2  Justice Tracy Engelking & Torture/Human Trafficking (replace image)

Link to Tracy Engelking Victim Impact Statement (“VIS”) page

#3  Justice Sally Gomery & Fraud (multiple counts via Accessory After the Fact)

20210224 Pure SCJ Evil which continues as evidenced 20230508 perpetually at pfi.ROCKS

#4  Ryan Bell & Theft over

For more evidence against the Eviction Scam component of this crime syndicate, view Justice Ryan Bell‘s VIS page.


Moore’s first book idea “How I Bullied the Bully out of my Husband” + an excerpt from Moore’s 2013 experience with TOH’s Dr. Daniel Saul with the industry that is “Sick-mind Fraud”.