Exposing Ottawa’s Crime Syndicate


Court-enabled Fraud, Theft, Assault, Torture, Trafficking & Terrorism

Mock-up of book envisioned in 2013 & the event that “flipped the switch”: OCDSB Vice-principal Greg Wyzynsky alerted the sociopaths at the CAS that I was experiencing domestic violence (my beautiful, brilliant children could be plucked from my life in order to be abused by their dad without my protection.

2021 selfie, 2020 GPS-monitoring Ankle Bracelet, 2019 contract with Canada’s Justice Department & the current state of Canada.

dmoore@pfi.rocks  ||  (613) 848-6832

20190619 Notice of Trespass handed while I was trying to get the contact information for case worker Mohammad Said’s manager, Isabel Guindon. See details under subheading “The Complete Discard: Remove the mum, gaslight the children, torture the mum, toss her in jail & cancel the divorce trial.  (2019)”

Twitter @CaeJak  ||  Instagram: @ascjak  ||  Quora.com Deirdre-Moore-27  ||  YouTube @Saqotu2097  ||  Bitchute Andeé Jak ||  Dropbox:  Vault  ||  Another Presentation of this Syndicate is at The Ottawa Swimlanes

The Irish Component: Lining Up the Target

  1. 20130301  “I love love” (a 47-second “message” for you)
  2. 2013  “[Hi Kiska. I heard you were calling my parents about divorcing my sister]” ~Moira Moore
  3. 2014  “[No problem, Kiska. I’ll sign that Community Treatment Order for you]” ~Eileen Moore
  4. 2018  “[I’m going for the jugular & will spend my last dollar to ruin her.]” ~John Kiska
  5. Also 2018  “Just get the divorce!!” ~Charles Lawrence Moore (now deceased)
  6. 20190408  Dr. Paule Kemgni + Judge Calum MacLeod + Diego Fernandez-Stoll/Lamah El-Rayes = 666
  7. 20190812  “[Be very, very careful]” ~Kathleen Marie Moore (née Dunleavy)
  8. 20200812  To Crime Syndicate “[YOU be very, very careful]” ~Deirdre Moore   (6 x 6 x 6 = 216)
  9. 2021 “[Oh, sorry, your dad died a few months ago]” ~ Kathleen Marie Moore (née Dunleavy)
  10. 2022 “[You can go to hell!]” ~Kathleen Marie Moore (née Dunleavy)
  11. 202008xx  Connecting more dots, exactly forty years later—Bachelor #1: Kevin Haggerty: (insert link to e-mail)
  12. 20230505  Update for Haggerty https://twitter.com/CaeJak/status/1654501934601056256?s=20
  13. 20230507  “Hit! Boom! Twirl! (a 

Click on image for full 20200731-20200811 exchange.

The Polish Component: Lining Up the Target (cont’d)

The 20-year set-up: 1992 – 2012

  1. I was identified by John Kiska‘s (Bachelor #4: “Kiska”) now-deceased sister, Mary, while working at MD Financial in 1993, she introduced me to her older brother in July 1996—immediately after I wrote my third and final exam for my Chartered Financial Analyst (“CFA”) designation1—and the love bomb-dismiss-discard2 conditioning began immediately.
  2. We were married in 2000: it was a modest ceremony.
  3. I resigned from my full-time, $100,000+ National Bank Financial position in 2002 to start my own consulting firm—AdvisorOnTrack Inc. (“AOT”) (See Exhibit X)3—and developed a software-supported, practice-management model that was gaining traction; however, instead of enjoying any real success, most potential clients simply stole my concepts, technology and/or intellectual property.
  4. Kiska lost his position during the high-tech crash, retained Nelligan Payne O’Brien (“Nelligan“) to seek higher compensation for his dismissal, and began consulting for the Government of Canada via my firm AOT. 
  5. Until I turned 40, Kiska claimed to not want children … calling them all “little bastards”. In 2005, after we closed on our new “downtown” home on the water (Lampman Crescent, Ottawa, Ontario)—and I was earning solid revenues (insert link to AOT revenues)—Kiska announced that he would love to have a child.
  6. Sean Charles (“my son, Sean”) was born in 2006 and his sister Cate Stella (“my daughter, Cate”) was born 18 months later in 2007. Not yet aware that Kiska was a covert+overt malignant narcissist (i.e. a high-functioning sociopath), I agreed they could use Kiska as their surname4.
  7. I stopped full-time consulting so I could be a stay-at-home mum; but, remained a contributor to the revenues for my company AdvisorOnTrack Inc. by ghost-writing a publication for MD Financial and accepting small, remote, process-improvement contracts from 2007-2015.
  8. We enjoyed camping every year with Sean and Cate from 2008-2012. Each year, however, the trip became longer and longer and our site became more and more elaborate; with a full dining tent and a range of Coleman products. It got to the point where I was simply preparing food all day and cleaning so that Kiska and my son, Sean, and my daughter, Cate, could enjoy gourmet food in a Provincial Park and play all day.
  9. His promises that we would take winter vacations and travel were never fulfilled.
  10. By the end of 2012, I grew resentful of his empty promises. I was also becoming incredibly frustrated by Kiska’s refusal to spend any money on having a proper Will drawn up or obtaining life insurance for our vulnerable young children. I had spent hours going through the process of completing an application for life insurance through our investment advisor and he simply refused to sign it.

Ready, set, GO! The 10-year Discard 2013-2023

2013  Enter stage left: OCDSB, CAS, OPSB & … The Ottawa Hospital

  1. By February 2013, I decided that I’d no longer wait for his “permission” to take my son, Sean, and my daughter, Cate to the beach for March Break. I also brought up the idea of having a stay-at-home nanny (which several friends raved about) instead of our current, part-time live-out nanny. Our discussions quickly escalated into a massive argument when Kiska threatened to divorce me and I was happy to leave.
  2. (Evidence of this argument has been submitted as evidence to the CAS, OCDSB, the OPSB, Crown prosecutors and multiple OSC/SCJ judges and masters since 2015 as it was mostly done by e-mail. See Exhibit X.)
  3. By the end of February, Kiska’s screams were so loud that it terrified my son, Sean who thought that he had physically hit me one morning.
  4. Two days later Kiska staged a big apology. Again, not being aware of narcissism or the cycle of abuse, I thought I was dealing with an honest, loving (albeit very quirky with anger management issues) husband and was trying to find a solution to our failing marriage.
  5. Believing that I might be successful, I thought about writing a book on how I did it. (See photo at top of page as well as mention of it in Kiska’s sick&twisted “collateral information” provided to Syndicate participate, The Ottawa Hospital (“TOH”) psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Saul (“Saul”). My book was to be called “How I Bullied the Bully out of my Husband”.
  6. As both Sean’s teacher and the school principal were aware of our big fight and “very conerned” throughout February—when Kiska apologized and I felt an overwhelming sense of relief—on March 1st, I went to the school to let them Principal Aisling O’Donnell (“O’Donnell”) know that everything was fine and show to them my book idea.
  7. Instead of speaking with O’Donnell, however, only Vice-Principal Greg Wyzynski (“Wyzynski”) was in the administrative office.
  8. While speaking with the receptionist, who expressed interest in my book, Wyzynski came out of his office and gave me a bizarre grin. I sensed something wicked and quickly departed.
  9. When the doorbell rang at about 6:00 p.m.,  I was ready for them.
  1. 20130301  I was badgered by CAS employee Yvonne Munro (“Munro”) for hours, she gave temporary “sole custody” of my son, Sean, and my daughter, Cate, and I experienced my first “nervous breakdownX” ever.
    • Munro did not speak with my son, Sean, or my daughter, Cate (who was happily playing when she arrived unannounced).
    • Munro did not speak with me privately about what had transpired over the past two weeks.
    • Moore did nothing but drill me about mental health issues that existed in my extended family.
  2. She had one mission: begin the false “History of Mental Illness” narrative that Kiska would eventually use to ghost me and Ottawa’s Crown Attorney’s Office would use to have me declared “Not Criminally Responsible” after I was provoked into violating the eventual illegally-obtained, unlawful, child-abusing court order (see April 8, 2019 below).
  3. After she left, Kiska let into me again (02:07) and he didn’t stop until he succeeded in causing my first nervous breakdown that night … when I was motivate to a new international business model and harmed no one.


  1. 20130303 I recovered by the following morning; but, Kiska took full advantage of his new status and intensified his ostracization and demonization of me in front of my son, Sean, and my daughter, Cate, over the weekend. When I finally stood up to his nonsense on Sunday, he called his allies at OPSB whose aggressive treatment of me triggered a defensive response which they interpreted as some mental health issue and dragged me to the taxpayer-funded, for-profit .
  2. 20130303-05  Kiska lied to TOH psychiatrist  so I would be mis-diagnosed with Bi-polar Disorder. I did not, of course, realize that he was part of this entire orchestration as evidenced by my recorded call to him re: gaslighting by TOH psychiatrist Daniel Saul on March 5th. 
  3. 201303dd  My son, Sean’s testimony was buried in the CAS file by Jessica Henryx (“Henry”). It was provided by his Sir Winston Churchill Public School teacher Dawna Gates and stated, among other things, “Daddy hit Mummy. That’s why she’s in the hospital.” See Exhibit X – REDACTED
  4. Henry also ignored the testimony provided by O’Donnell and Dr. Judy Chow.
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  7. That evening, the CAS arrived. Following 2-3 hours of badgering, CAS “gave sole custody” of Sean and Cate to Kiska and told him not to leave them alone with me. That evening, MOORE suffered her first ever “psychotic break”.
  8. When MOORE woke up on Saturday morning, MOORE wanted to sit with her kids to watch the birds. Kiska tried to take the kids away from me and make me go to bed. Instead MOORE started to “organize” items in the house. MOORE made a big display of items that should no longer exist (e.g. Barbies, bad books, junk food) and items that should survive (e.g. lego, good books, healthy food). Kiska phoned her parents. Following a few hours alone in her room the delusions dissipated; likely through the effective use of socratic questioning.
  9. On Sunday March 3rd, Kiska still refused to let me be with Sean and Cate. MOORE felt he was bullying me again. MOORE felt he was also bullying the kids. He yelled at Cate to go and get dressed. MOORE yelled back that she didn’t have to get dressed if she didn’t want to .. that we could be naked! Her daughter and MOORE both took off our clothes and MOORE held her on the couch. John called the police. MOORE dressed her daughter and myself and then prepared to deal with the police. MOORE expected that they would also be bullies … and they were. The more tough they got with me the more MOORE refused to cooperate (believing it was her job to finally stand up to all of the bullies and put an end to it.) Her “defensive dysregulation” re-emerged as the police handcuffed me and drove me to The Ottawa Hospital (Civic campus) Emergency Psychiatric Ward (“TOH”). Upon entry, MOORE believed that this was all being filmed so that eventually it could be turned into a “based on a true story” movie. MOORE began to “act” in a variety of ways to see how the hospital staff would deal with me (Moore.e. in a caring fashion or in a bullying fashion). At this point MOORE think MOORE went from being just delusional to full psychosis. MOORE believed MOORE was there to test the system, expose the bullies … all for the movie.
    Mis-diagnosis at The Ottawa Hospital and Kiska’s psychiatric abuse (part 1)28. MOORE remained delusional during her 3-day stay at TOH. MOORE met with Dr. Daniel Saul (“Saul”) on Monday, March 4th; but, MOORE was not very co-operative as MOORE believed that MOORE was there to expose the system. Saul relied entirely on the hearsay of Kiska (which was repeated by her parents) to reach a “diagnosis”. Kiska lied to Saul. Kiska did not acknowledge that there was any fight. On March 5th, still fully delusional, MOORE played along with all of the questions/answers and thanked Dr. Saul for his help. He released me on that day in a state of psychosis and suggested MOORE could be atypical bi-polar: “unusual at your age, but not rare.” He wrote a prescription for Seroquel and valium that MOORE could take if MOORE felt MOORE needed to. As soon as MOORE was released, the delusions ended. They just stopped. That was it.
    29. Within a few days of being released, MOORE met with a lawyer who prepared a Will for me as well as Powers of Attorney for Property and Health. Not fully aware of why, MOORE knew that MOORE did not want Kiska to be her substitute decision maker. MOORE met with a CAS worker on March 7/8 and they returned to me joint custody of the children. They scheduled a follow-up appointment for April 16th when they would provide their final recommendation. Our family went to Mexico from March 18-25: Kiska did not speak to me before the trip, at the airport or during the plane ride. He decided to speak to me once we arrived at the resort. When Sean and Cate were napping, MOORE did a lot of internet research on bipolar disorder and did not feel MOORE had the symptoms of this disease. During the trip, MOORE had lots of fun and lots of energy. MOORE had trouble sleeping so MOORE tried taking Seroquel a couple of times; however, MOORE had an adverse reaction to it (insomnia) so MOORE stopped taking it.

2013 TOH and Kiska’s psychiatric abuse (part 2)

  1. At some point in April 2013, what I thought were “delusions” slowly began to return as I started to focus on how I could expose bullies within the system and put an end to it.
  2. As the date of the CAS review meeting drew nearer, I was also working on a tight work deadline as well as experiencing problems with her computer. It seemed as if nothing was working. Plus, an organization called the Ontario Coalition for Accountability was actively looking for people to sign its petition to have Bill 42 (Ombudsman Amendment Act) reintroduced for consideration.
  3. As I had read many horror stories of how the CAS was breaking up homes and watched a parliamentary presentation that stated there were 4,000 complaints lodged against the CAS over the past x years, I think my anxiety over the upcoming CAS meeting lead to this second round of delusions. That, and Kiska’s newfound proficiency in gaslighting.
  4. This time my “delusions” included a belief that the CAS was in kahoots with the public school system to identify smart kids that could be removed from their homes, given a broken childhood so that they would eventually turn to the streets and get caught up in human trafficking. (Little did I know in 2013 that Ottawa was a massivie hub for human trafficking and that I was right! They weren’t delusions at all!)
  5. I also believed that the police were also involved … and I was right.
  6. On the day of the CAS meeting, April 16th, Kiska wasn’t doing enough to tidy the house for the CAS meeting. In fact, he was actually placing scissors and sharp objects around the house to force me to put them away.
  7. As I started to panic, Kiska amplified the coercive control and the gaslighting: he was setting me up to lose custody again.
  8. I thought then that he was doing this so that he could get sole custody of my son, Sean, and my daughter, Cate, he was planning to divorce me for another woman who would bring her children (and her pension) from her husband.
  9. At some point, I started to question whether or not the CAS-OCDSB operation was primarily Irish and part of an IRA operation. My mother is, after all, immigrated from Belfast, Ireland.
  10. Prior to the meeting, I fled the home with Sean and Cate; however, I received no assistance from police and other than being brought to a women’s shelter alone in a psychotic state. No one was in a position to help me: Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre (“ROMHC”) Ruth Maddock (“Maddock“) contacted Kiska and lied in her request to have me formed again under the MHA via some Justice of the Peace that night on April 16th.
  11. Noteworthy, in April 2013, my younger sister Moira wrote to Kiska via e-mail that she heard he was looking for a divorce lawyer and provided to him a recommendation.
  12. At the TOH, MOORE was assigned to Dr. Keith Anderson (“Anderson”) who used the previous bi-polar diagnosis and added “with psychotic features”. For four weeks MOORE slipped in and out of a delusional state and wondered if Anderson was keeping me in the Civic so MOORE could no longer support Bill 42, a legislation that would bring more accountability and oversight to the four “soft” services: police, hospitals, nursing homes and the children’s aid societies. MOORE had no medication during this period other than the odd shot of ?olanzapine?. MOORE worked tirelessly at the hospital to expose who MOORE thought might be members of the IRA. (MOORE would write lists at 4:00 a.m. and hold them up to the video camera where MOORE believed Saul, who was on “her side”, would retrieve the information.) MOORE also began to identify other risks to national/global safety including security at VIA Rail, proposed pipeline projects, northern drilling projects, etc., etc.
    33. On [Insert date], when Dr. Anderson was ready to release me, he contacted Kiska who said “[no, she is still too sick]”. Dr. Anderson announced that he would be going on vacation and Dr. Charbonneau (“Charbonneau”) would be taking over. As MOORE recall, as soon as Dr. Anderson left the delusions vanished.
    34. Charbonneau met with me for about 40 minutes during our first meeting and said he did not want to review Dr. Anderson’s file because he didn’t want it to “taint” his opinion. Dr. Charbonneau said MOORE had bipolar disorder and that MOORE could not be released until MOORE agreed to his treatment plan of lithium. MOORE argued that MOORE did not feel MOORE had the symptoms of bipolar but agreed to the lithium to get out of the hospital (as advised by the psychiatric support worker).
    35. MOORE missed Sean’s birthday that year. Kiska refused to bring Sean and Cate in for the entire six weeks though we had visiting hours daily. Cate would cry to me over the phone. MOORE would sing to her to re-assure her. MOORE was released on May 28th and MOORE would say it took about three months to feel like her normal self again. Upon release, MOORE immediately hired a personal trainer; an idea which Kiska supported. MOORE had a great autumn, winter and spring. (This point becomes very important later.) At this point, MOORE did not realize that Kiska had lied to Saul, Anderson and Charbonneau to ensure a mis-diagnosis of bi-polar disorder with psychotic features and an overly lengthy hospitalization. MOORE did not find that evidence in her medical files until September 2015.

2014  Establishing the bogus “History of Mental Illness”

Continued mis-diagnosis at TOH, psychiatric abuse, extortion & the Community Treatment Order

  1. By April of 2014, MOORE was looking for a way to distance myself from the personal trainer at The Athletic Club that MOORE had been working with since her release from hospital the previous spring. MOORE wanted to continue to have him be a resource for me by providing information when required, but MOORE didn’t want to have to work out with him anymore. (MOORE find personal training relationships can be very awkward.) MOORE approached management with a “virtual personal training” proposal but they rejected it. MOORE was shocked by this as MOORE had paid them thousands of dollars in fees for the past year and couldn’t believe they would refuse future business from me. MOORE decided to cancel her membership. For the final month, the trainer and MOORE met and developed programs that MOORE would use on her own once MOORE left. At some point, MOORE began to feel sorry for the trainer who was stuck working at this “stupid” gym and did some online research to see what kind of company it was and whether or not and had much of a future there. (He had just bought a new house and gotten engaged.) MOORE tripped over an article that, to me, suggested the company was not legitimate: that it was likely a well disguised money laundering operation. (See https://blogs.windsorstar.com/news/local-philanthropist-faces-gun-assault-and-robbery-charges) A few days after MOORE found the article, MOORE was returning from her usual walk and noted that MOORE was a bit nervous taking her usual short-cut, so MOORE took the long way instead. Then MOORE thought to myself, “how strange, MOORE am feeling a little paranoid.” MOORE phoned Kiska and told him about this incident. Then MOORE called Dr. Deanna Mercer (out-patient psychiatrist at the Civic) and asked her about non-medicinal coping skills to prevent an escalation). When she returned her call her answer was to start taking olanzapine … which MOORE thought was ridiculous. During one of her meetings with trainer in May, MOORE showed him a copy of the article hoping he would “get it” and realize that he needed to find a new job … but MOORE didn’t tell him anything. MOORE asked him to read the article and hoped he could figure it out for himself. We had many meetings during May when trainer would work on documenting a variety of programs for me and MOORE would independently work on developing out business ideas for how to run a fitness facility. MOORE shared a lot of these ideas with trainer. On May 22nd, we had our final session when he delivered several training programs and MOORE gave him as much career advice as possible. (He now operates his own training facility with his twin brother.)
    37. On May 23rd 2014, after reflecting on the previous days’ session and different things that were said, MOORE began to believe that trainer finally “got it”: that he realized he was working for a mob-related enterprise. MOORE believed that trainer would read her fitness blog and MOORE began to write in a way that would provide him with more advice if he were able to “read between the lines”. The phone rang several times that evening and MOORE believed that it was trainer relaying the message “yes, got it, read between the lines and got your message”. MOORE also believed he was asking me to delete the details from her fitness blog so that The Athletic Club couldn’t discover that we were onto them.
    38. Early that evening, MOORE realized that MOORE was experiencing delusion of reference. MOORE told Kiska that MOORE would check in at the Queensway Carleton to try to get some help. MOORE went to the hospital. MOORE had to wait all night to see a doctor and when MOORE saw one in the morning, she refused to admit me because MOORE wasn’t there for “treatment”. MOORE was sent home with a prescription for zoplicone and olanzapine.
    39. On Monday May 27th, MOORE believed that someone from the mob had hacked her fitness blog and warned me that they were on to me. MOORE then found a document on her computer that MOORE believed was a threat to her daughter. MOORE showed the document to Kiska and her parents. MOORE also showed them the article but nobody believed me. Kiska said MOORE probably typed the document myself and just forgot about it. MOORE believed the mob had hacked into her computer and now had all of our passwords. MOORE immediately invested the money in our corporate account into GICs so it would be safe. Note that on June 3rd MOORE actually did receive an email from the fitness website stating that her account had indeed been hacked, and not by a random hacker but by someone who probably knew me. This confirmed all of her suspicions.
    40. On June 5th, Kiska and MOORE went to meet a new psychologist Dr. Crowe. MOORE was happy as MOORE felt Kiska and MOORE really needed to work on our relationship. However, Dr. Crowe seemed to only be focusing on me (not us). MOORE was really turned off when he suggested MOORE was a very angry person. We never went back.
    41. On June 5th, MOORE spoke about going to Montreal to visit old friends, one of whom was Italian and, MOORE now suspected, part of the mafia. The very next day, as MOORE was leaving the gym, a young man shouted “MOORE dare you to go to Montreal. MOORE dare you.” To me this was confirmation that our house was now under surveillance.
    42. Around June 8th MOORE started shopping around for something nice to wear to an upcoming event. MOORE also purchased some items in anticipation of ramping up more work soon. Kiska claimed that MOORE was “going manic” and began asking me to prepare a budget and suggested that we wouldn’t be able to afford to go to Mexico this year if MOORE didn’t stop shopping. MOORE was not doing ANY excessive shopping.
    43. Throughout June, Kiska again became increasingly short with me as well as trying to control her behaviour, boss me around. On June 14, he and MOORE attempted to go on a date and had a terrible time (similar to our previous date in April). John was giving me the silent treatment, something he has done quite often in the past when he is upset. On June 30th, our family went to Morrisburg in preparation for Canada Day celebrations. Kiska and MOORE weren’t on very good terms. MOORE stayed up all night working on Sean’s T-shirt and, that evening, psychosis set in. MOORE began to believe that Secret Service and MOORE were going to crash/boost the global stock markets in order to redistribute wealth. On July 1, MOORE hid all of the knives, medication, ropes, etc. in her parents home. MOORE believed that there was a risk they would all kill themselves once they realized MOORE had been selected to “save the world”. Later that afternoon, MOORE interpreted strangers in a crowd as a signal that we were to head home as her life was in danger.
    44. The next 10 days were a flurry of delusions, ?psychosis? but also with lots of intermittent lucid periods. MOORE again began to believe that Kiska was trying to set me up for divorce and take the kids.
    a) On July 3rd, MOORE phoned OPS and asked to be brought to the Montfort Hospital because MOORE had heard they had an excellent program for victims of domestic violence. When they refused to admit me, MOORE began to act bizarrely so that they would. Dr. Gilles Fleury arrived at the closest diagnosis thus far: Acute Adjustment Disorder which occurs when one is placed under a severe amount of stress. However, TOH’s Charbonneau attended at that hospital as well so MOORE received zero assistance and was merely released July 5th when there were no signs of mania or depression (symptoms of bi-polar disorder, the disease that MOORE did not/do not have.)
    b) MOORE missed Sean’s birthday party again that year which was delayed to July 5th (due to a cold Spring) and MOORE did not want to arrive just so Kiska could make a scene and ruin his day. MOORE found a B&B in Gatineau and tried to figure out what to do next.
    c) When MOORE returned home a few days later at 6:00 a.m., MOORE was met at the door with nothing but a grunt. Instead of going to bed, MOORE lay down next to Sean and gave to him a big hug.
    d) By July 10th, MOORE was again fearing what Kiska might do next. His verbal abuse had escalated to expletives and wicked name calling. MOORE was worried that he would snap and cause serious physical harm to me and/or our children. MOORE asked the police to bring me to the hospital voluntarily and that night Kiska phoned in, lied about her behaviour again and bullied them into forming me. MOORE was stuck in the Psych Ward for the entire summer of 2014. Charbonneau refused to release me until MOORE agreed to ingest lithium daily to reach a certain “level”. (MOORE did this in order to get out.) Her sister Eileen (Power of Attorney for Health) signed a Community Treatment Order without ever even speaking to me. Upon release, MOORE moved to Gatineau, Quebec to get out of the bogus Community Treatment Order.
    e) During September 2014, MOORE would depart Gatineau at 5:00 a.m. and drive to the $1M+ Matrimonial home so Sean and Cate would not be aware that MOORE had moved and not leave at night until they were fast asleep. MOORE immediately attempted to hire a divorce lawyer but was having difficulty finding anyone who would help me. Only one agreed and stated “you have an uphill battle” to get sole custody/access of Sean and Cate. Meanwhile, Kiska begged her return. He put on a fabulous performance one day when he burst into sobbing tears as he cried “MOORE lost her wing man. MOORE lost her wing man. They twisted her words. MOORE never said that.” With not much in the way of options, no assistance from anyone and two beautiful children that MOORE adored, her only option was to return. MOORE guess Kiska arranged for sister Eileen to have the CTO cancelled.
    45. Despite the hardships of 2013-2014, Moore continued to shield her children from Kiska’s cycle of abuse by ensuring their success in school, extracurricular activities (e.g. piano, sports) and social events as well as maintain her professional contracts through her company, AdvisorOnTrack Inc. (“AOT”).

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2015  Enter Stage Right:  Bell Baker, Victor Vallance Blais, Family Court (i.e. The Asset Drain)

  1. The 2015 discovery of Kiska’s psychiatric abuse & commencement of utter cruelty and child abuse during divorce

    46. In September 2015, MOORE discovered the material evidence referred to at paragraphs 28 and 44 d) and on October 1, 2015 MOORE notified Kiska that MOORE would be seeking a divorce for grounds of cruelty. The pre-announcement of her plans triggered Kiska and, fearing for her children’s and her safety, MOORE sought the security of the Hilton Hotel in Gatineau and immediately contacted the police and shelters for protection. However, as violent crimes committed by narcissistic/sociopathic spouses remains relatively under-reported and unrecognized, MOORE was unable to secure safe housing. Ultimately, MOORE had no choice but to return the children to Kiska temporarily while MOORE sought help from Dr. Gary Kay at TOH who recognized Kiska’s employment of “psychiatric abuse” to have me labelled with Bi-polar Disorder when, in fact, her diagnosis should have been “Psychosis, not otherwise specified” until a full psychological assessment was done.
    47. With TOH as a place of safety (which permitted me to stay voluntarily), MOORE began to seek counsel to divorce Kiska for cruelty; however, Kiska was able to retain a lawyer at BellBaker LLP (“BellBaker”) first and served on me his Form 8: Application which was laden with false information and allegations regarding her ability to parent. MOORE have been defending herself against Kiska and BellBaker’s complete character assassination since November 2015.
    48. As an aside, during this period Moore was also duped into buying a house from a old “friend” who was about to lose his home. She drained her RRSP to help her “friend” as she needed a place to live too. In hindsight, Kiska may have orchestrated this event too. During their “nesting arrangement”, Moore lived with her “friend” who claimed to want to begin a relationship but was merely taking advantage of her financially.
    49. Having been served an urgent Notice of Motion for sole custody and access with a return date only one week out. Moore retained Victor Vallance Blais LLP (“VVB”) following a referral from Nelligan Law, a firm which had previously represented Kiska.
    The disappointment that was VVB

    50. VVB prepared Case Conference materials that did little to help Moore and drafted a generic answer that sought little in the way of damages or even properly plead her case. From December 2015 to March 2016, Moore and Kiska attempted a “nesting” arrangement so the children would not be displaced. Moore essentially became Kiska’s live-out maid as the house was always a mess when it was her turn to parent the children. As she was only working part-time, over $25,000 and four months later, Moore was forced to return to the matrimonial home in April 2016 or go broke. She let her “friend” remain in the home and he immediately acquired roommates to pay the rent. (He did not, however, pay any rent. He simply converted his roommates into a revenue stream. Then he became a bigger problem with a flood and an insurance claim.)

  2. x
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  4. On September 26, 2015, I finally received and read my TOH medical files: that’s when I saw the evidence of Kiska lying to multiple TOH-enabled psychiatrists in order to have me mis-diagnosed with Bi-polar Disorder, forced onto psychotropics and removed from my children’s x
  5. x
  6. Incorporated SAQOTU Inc. to raise awareness of the fragility of mental health when in an abusive relationship. I realized that if they could do this to me, they could do this to anyone and I needed to protect my daughter, Cate, from narcissists who seek out targets for pleasure and profit.
  7. I even attempted to leverage by current employment situation: I was working the Treasury/Finance Department of TOH. Instead of support, however, I was invited to participate in the Fraud being orchestrated by:
    • name 1
    • name 2
    • name 3
  8. On January 10, 2021, realizing that Cedric Nahum (“Nahum“) was not remotely attempting to serve my best interests, I contacted high-profile lawyer Michael Spratt (“Spratt”) who initially offered to help me. Once he realized that I was a Targeted Individual (“TI”), however, he refused to assist me. (See Exhibit X).

2016  Syndicate Lawful, Asset Drain, Invitation to Defraud TOH donors + Blais Fraud 1 & 2

  1. 20160224  Collusion between VVB and BellBaker was further evidenced by the fact that they both filed their Case Conference Briefs on the same day (a violation of Family Law Rule contained within Courts of Justice Act (“CJA“), a violation of S. 126 of the CCC … and merely 48 hours before the matter was to be heard, another violation and another count. Furthermore, Kiska knowingly lied and Tania Pompilio served/filed a document that served Kiska’s interests more than mine:
  2. x
  3. Impossible nesting arrangement
  4. Forced to return
  5. Better prepared financially by extending her lines of credit and credit cards, Moore informed VVB that she would be leaving for the third and final time and asked them to prepare a Notice of Separation for November 28, 2016. Somehow, Kiska was aware of Moore’s intentions and texted to her a Notice of Separation on November 27th.
    53. Moore immediately rented a nearby condominium for herself and her two children, furnished and bought for Cate the kitten that she had always wanted. (Shadow)
    54. On December 2016, during a mediation session, VVB convinced Moore to sign an Interim Shared Parenting Agreement that did not speak to spousal support, child support or the fair sharing of expenses. It also convinced her to take money out of her own corporate savings via dividend which negatively impacting her spousal support award in 2018.
    55. By February 2017, Moore had had enough with VVB who kept attempting to force mediation with Kiska who clearly was impossible to deal with and ignoring her requests for a trial. VVB clearly was not remotely looking out for the best interests of Moore or her children. Following the release of VVB, Moore saw for the first time the 2013 “Daddy hit Mommy” testimony from Sean that the CAS ignored and buried in her family’s file.
  6. x
  7. x
  1. In June 2016, I began a full-time contract in the Treasury Department of the for-profit, owned-by-an-investment-firm, taxpayer-funded TOH.
  2. While it paid only half of my previous consulting rate of $125/hour, I felt it could lead to better opportunities.
  3. Sadly, I wasn’t permitted to perform hardly any process improvement tasks at all: I was merely asked to participate in the theft of donor money from multiple departments and/or doctors by “scooping the money” from Trust accounts that were deemed “inactive” by:
    • Nathalie Cadieux
    • name and
    • name
  4. In other words, TOH hired me to commit fraud against hospital donors for them.
  5. The reason the accounts were inactive, however, was due to the reality that many divisions had no idea that they even had any available funds: the financial reporting was that bad and that’s just how TOH wanted to keep it.

Click on image for full 20200731-20200811 exchange.

  1. So, while doing my mundane cheque-processing job, I wrote the MS-enabled software required to alert almost every department in the hospital that there were funds available for their use.
  2. (Ask Eric LName who’s now employed at the MAG; same place as fraudster Diego Fernandez-Stoll and all man of the other taxpayer-funded criminals described throughout this document.) I wonder if the reward for committing fraud is a cushy-govvy job?

Does for-profit TOH deserve any donations?

  1. As an aside, in June 2016, Moore began a full-time contract in the Treasury department of the for-profit, owned-by-an-investment-firm, taxpayer-funded TOH. While it paid only half of her previous consulting rate of $125/hour, she felt it could lead to better opportunities. Sadly, she was merely asked to participate in the theft of donor money from multiple departments and/or doctors. Instead, Moore developed a system that enabled her to produce reports for the hundreds of account holders who were about to be de-frauded. When her contract ended in December, she was again without work.
    52. Better prepared financially by extending her lines of credit and credit cards, Moore informed VVB that she would be leaving for the third and final time and asked them to prepare a Notice of Separation for November 28, 2016. Somehow, Kiska was aware of Moore’s intentions and texted to her a Notice of Separation on November 27th.
    53. Moore immediately rented a nearby condominium for herself and her two children, furnished and bought for Cate the kitten that she had always wanted. (Shadow)
    54. On December 2016, during a mediation session, VVB convinced Moore to sign an Interim Shared Parenting Agreement that did not speak to spousal support, child support or the fair sharing of expenses. It also convinced her to take money out of her own corporate savings via dividend which negatively impacting her spousal support award in 2018.
    55. By February 2017, Moore had had enough with VVB who kept attempting to force mediation with Kiska who clearly was impossible to deal with and ignoring her requests for a trial. VVB clearly was not remotely looking out for the best interests of Moore or her children. Following the release of VVB, Moore saw for the first time the 2013 “Daddy hit Mommy” testimony from Sean that the CAS ignored and buried in her family’s file.
  2. x
  3. x
  4. x
  5. x
  6. x
  7. x.

2017  Permission to Seek Significant Damages in Family Court

  1. At some point, Chow bragged about how she had TOH’s Dr. Deanna Mercer (“Mercer”) “in our back pocket”.

    In February 2017, Moore also sent a letter to Kiska’s lawyer, Wade Smith of Bell Baker LLP, (“Smith”) which outlined the financial hardship being endured due to Kiska’s lack of financial support: it was ignored.
    57. By April 2017, Moore managed to evict her “friend” from her three-bedroom bungalow by hiring LMR LLP and she and her children were pleased to move to the larger home in a nice neighbourhood with a big back yard that was perfect for the dog that Sean had always wanted. Moore bought for him a puppy immediately. (Finn)
    Working with psychologist Dr. Iris Jackson while enduring Kiska’s severe emotional and financial abuse of Moore and her children

    58. In March 2017, Dr. Kay’s diagnosis referred to at paragraph 12 was fine-tuned by Dr. Iris Jackson to Brief Psychotic Disorder, with marked stressors who also acknowledged that Kiska had been “gaslighting” Moore. Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse that can induce psychosis especially if employed alongside emotional and verbal abuse: it is a well-documented form of abuse used by narcissists and sociopaths.
    59. The documented evidence of Kiska’s abuse is so extensive that in November 2017, she received permission to seek damages from Kiska for multiple violations of civil law and the Criminal Code of Canada (see pages 7-9 in Kiska v. Moore, 2017 ONSC 6872 and Amended Answer). The extent to which Kiska will lie about Moore is evidenced not only in hospital files but in police, CAS and court files as well. She has dozens of examples including, but not limited to:
    a) Kiska stated that he was solely responsible for the safety and well-being of the children versus the reality that “Moore has been the solely responsible” parent.
    b) Kiska stated that Moore spent weeks at the Royal Ottawa versus the reality that she never has.
    c) Kiska stated that he was paying $15,000/month in support to Moore when, in fact, there monthly payments totalled precisely $0.
    60. Moore struggled throughout 2017-2018 to shield her children from the toxic divorce as Kiska continued his strategy of legal bullying, deprivation of meaningful financial support, refusal to fairly share children’s expenses, ongoing emotional abuse and character assassination—behaviour that is typical of a sociopath during divorce proceedings. At one point, Kiska even phoned Moore’s parents and stated that he “would spend his last dollar” and he was “going for the jugular” with respect to their divorce. (Moore’s parents put this in writing but, for some bizarre reason, withdrew all emotional support for me while offering to “help with the rent”.)

  2. x
  3. x
  5. x
  6. x.
  1. Meanwhile, another Syndicate participant, (insert name of accountant) contacted my for a $25/hour contract when I was exploited to develop a budget management tool for FNIB that could be used to extort/threaten some bands via loss of funding. See Exhibit X https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/64w15nhqwo8u4ejmryomo/000213KJ_20201207_FNIB-Funding-Model_Subjective-and-begs-corruption-to-come-knocking_IGSS-201617-working-copy-20171204-14-45-with-charts_SAQOTU.xls?dl=0&rlkey=fzvihaa9gx6oj6kuqjp93p9j4
  2. FNIB is where Kiska has enjoyed a long-term, lucrative contract while I am once again force onto welfare. (See Exhibit X)
  3. Note that he is not a partner at AdvisorOnTrack Inc.: he is simply a syndicate-enabled, fraudster who enjoys torture and, seemingly, being involved in any crime including domestic terrorism and human trafficking.
  4. One can only wonder what he’s involved in at any Federal Government of Canada department. 

The First Nations Connection

2018  Court-enabled Fraud Intensifies

  1. xFinally managing, on her own, to get a Motion for Interim Support scheduled, Justice Julie Audet (“Audet”) ignored all or her evidence and for Smith’s “oral reasons given” awarded $1,230 and $345 per month for spousal and child support, respectively, with a 50% sharing of expenses! Audet even awarded Kiska costs of $2,000. Moore was the main caregiver for the children over the summer of 2018, self-representing in court as Kiska paid zero expenses and she was expected to live off of $17,000/year.
    62. In March 2018, Kiska promised Cate that he would take them on a beach holiday for March break. As Cate began to get excited and planning/packing for her their trip, Moore asked Kiska if he was going to tell them that they were not going anywhere, or if she had to. In order to dampen the blow, Moore spent money that she did not have on a mini “stay-cation” at the Brookstreet Hotel so that the children and something fun to do for March break.
    63. Towards the end of the school year, Moore became very concerned about the type of help that Kiska had been giving to the children with their homework over the years. (It was always her job to coach piano and teach life skills while Kiska managed the homework routine.) Sure enough, was not Cate three years behind in math and also significantly behind in language comprehension when she had her tested: one deficiency feeding into the other. Cate is a very bright girl and entered the school system ahead of her peers. What Kiska had been doing during “homework time” was unknown to Moore; however, she attempted to assist Cate by immediately hiring for her a tutor. Kiska refused to contribute financially or even drive Cate to her tutor on “his days” even though Cate thoroughly enjoyed the tutoring showing continuous improvement.
    64. At some point over the summer, Moore realized that she was soon going to run out of credit. By September 2018, Moore was forced to sell her modest three-bedroom bungalow in order to pay for basic living expenses. It was their third move in under three years and the children were incredibly disappointed—if not downright angry. Having no concept of her struggles (as she tried not to speak ill of Kiska), Cate really began to withdraw from Moore as soon as she announced the move.
    65. By November 2018, they moved into a 3-bedroom townhouse: 1466 Claymor Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario (“the unit”) which was rented to her by ReMax agent Lamah El-Rayes (“El-Rayes”) for some landlord whom she never met (Khaldoon Habib-Allah (“Allah”). She was offered a month-to-month lease to “help her out” which she foolishly accepted; unaware of the risks of a simple eviction. In December 2019, knowing that she would likely be enduring more fraud, she converted some funds into bank drafts; including eight $1,875 cheques for the landlord.
    66. There were several deficiencies with the rental property. In February 2019, she withheld the rent until the repairs were made. By the end of February, however, she began to do the repairs herself.
  2. x
  3. In November/December 2018, Kiska reinvolved the CAS and case worker Viana Ibrahim (“Ibrahim”) was assigned. She interviewed the children, seemed sympathetic to Moore’s situation and delivered 100’s of dollars in Christmas gifts for Sean and Cate.
  4. During December 2018, amidst ongoing gang-stalking of nearly every form, Moore was worried about succumbing to another break, brought the children to Kiska as insanely required by the CAS’s Steven LName prior to bringing herself to TOH again: this event was so distressing that I felt it would be unsafe for me to drive and permitted Kiska to drive me—in hindsight, I should have ordered a taxi … but I was already to far-gone by being forced to leave my son, Sean, and my daughter, Cate, with Kiska who, by now, I knew was truly evil.
  5. Despite Kiska’s best efforts, I was not admitted and simply driven home. (Recall the fake friend Don Lname who just happened to be at the TOH parking garage just as we were parking.)
  6. x
  7. x
  8. x
  9. Despite all of this, as required by Family Court, on December 31, 2018, I served and filed my “20181231 Submission to Justice Engelking” (“20181231 Submission”) which contained evidence of Kiska’s ongoing abuse and several letters of support including but not limited to:
    • one from Ottawa Victim Services’ Kayman Wood; not, David Vishkini or Melissa Heimerl,
    • one from my VAW Counsellor, Jessica Poloz and
    • one from my psychologist Dr. Iris Jackson.

2019  Child Abduction, Theft Over, Bogus NCR, Statute of Limitations, Shotgun Lawfare, Increased Criminalization & Two More Shysters


  1. Early January 2019, Moore delivered the 20181231 Submission to Ibrahim of the CAS as she remained desperate for support.
    72. After the divorce being dragged out since 2015, finally in mid-January it was placed on to the trial list for September 2019.
    73. The following week, or thereabouts, Kiska contacted the CAS to request that the children be removed from Moore’s care: the file was transferred from Ibrahim to Mohammed Said (“Said”).
    74. On February 1, 2019, the CAS performed an unlawful child apprehension and delivered to Kiska her children: they were not in imminent danger—or ANY danger—and there was no warrant.
    75. No documents were served upon Moore until 15 minutes before the hearing February 6th hearing: Moore could not properly defend herself. Moore was fully ignored by Justice Parfett as agent for the CAS, Brian Fisher, secured the child-abusing 20190206 court order based on nothing but false information.
    76. Throughout February 2019, Kiska continued to submit libellous and false statements to the court in order to obtain a restraining order against Moore on February 26, 2019 while refusing to let her speak to Sean or Cate on the phone. He also apprehended the phones that she purchased for them so that they could not phone her (or he simply forbid them to phone her).
  2. Meanwhile, Chow’s replacement Dr. Katelyn Perkins (“Perkins”), (insert testimony)
    Police brutality, malicious prosecution and professional misconduct in the Province of Quebec

    77. Following a bizarre experience attempting to complete a short contract at the Department of Justice, Moore again began to receive threats that she would be framed for harming her daughter Cate. To ensure Cate’s and her safety, and not wanting to further tax her friends, she drove the Chateau Laurier so she could have an alibi for the evening. While waiting for her room to be ready, however, the hotel reneged on the parking of her car. Conscious that she had a glass of wine with her dinner in their restaurant, she did not want to drive. Instead of making good on its promise, it had her car towed and she was told to leave the premises. Moore is uncertain whether or not this was linked to the OPS-Tow Truck scam that was reported by media, yet another incident of gang-stalking or just more “bad luck”.
    78. Still reeling from the abduction of her children and the restraining order obtained via wicked character assassination and not wanting to be alone in her home, Moore taxi’d to Toronto to take break from all of the abuse in Ottawa. She decided that she would not return to Ottawa until the next court appearance of March 14th and also decided to spend some time relaxing in Quebec City, a place she had never been but had longed to visit.
    79. Moore departed from Quebec City on March 13th got lost on her way from Montreal to Ottawa. On the morning of March 14th, at about 3:30 a.m., a police officer pulled her over claiming that the tail lights on her rental vehicle were not working. He asked for her licence, returned it to her and sent her on her way. Then, about 20 minutes later, the same police car began to follow her. She decided that she would not pull over until she found a well-lit, safe place to stop—ideally with witnesses. There were no gas stations or convenience stores in sight and soon the number of cars following her grew from one to four. When she eventually stopped, she was bitten by a police dog and “beaten” by a police officer who stomped on her skull and ribs several times with his heavy police boots.
    80. She was accused of “Flight from Peace Officer”, read her rights and driven to a Quebec Provincial Police (“QPP”) station. When she explained her circumstances to the officer at the station, she was informed that the she was being released. Instead of being released, however, the RCMP officer drove her to a different QPP station where she was detained. She attended video court that day and plead non guilty; however, her bail review was adjourned to the following Monday. She was transported in hand-cuffs and leg-irons without a seatbelt in a filthy, dangerous police van at high speeds over endless pot holes to Laval Prison (“Laval”).
    81. By early evening, the pain was so severe that Moore thought her ribs were broken. She convinced the nurse that she should be brought to a hospital and was transported for an examination. While there, however, she received no assistance. The doctors and nurses asked what happened and she explained the police brutality. They would leave and return half an hour later and ask her the same questions. This occurred about five-six times until she said that her injury was due to her tripping into a garbage can at a gas station. Then, there was no x-ray and she was transported back to Laval.
    82. During her Bail Hearing, Moore expressed that she did not want to be represented by duty counsel; however, duty counsel spoke for her regardless. Somehow, between Crown prosecutor Patrick Cardinal and unknown duty counsel, Judge Joey Dubois was convinced that Moore should undergo a psychiatric evaluation. Moore was eventually transported to l’Hôpital du Suroît (“Suroit”) where she was nearly completely ignored by fresh psychiatrist Dr. Paule Kemgni (“Kemgni”) for the entire period.
    83. Instead of doing any assessment whatsoever, Kemgni merely went behind Moore’s back and phoned Kiska for details who simply provided self-serving, false information. Moore arranged for her laptop to be couriered to the hospital so that Moore could show Kemgni some of her evidence against Kiska: she refused to look at it. Moore wrote several memos of complaint to the hospital administration: all were ignored. Moore filed a police complaint with QPP and OPS: both were ignored. Kiska (and his now-diseased companion sister) provided Kemgni with “collateral information” laden with errors, omissions and malicious obfuscation. Kemgni detained Moore for the full 21-days so that she could not properly attend her April 8th CAS hearing and produced an NCR finding dated April 8, 2019 on Moore’s Flight from Peace Officer charge. (Interestingly, and totally unbeknownst to her despite her attempts to reach El-Rayes, an eviction order was also being signed on April 8th.)
    84. On April 9th, Judge Joey Dubois attempted to convince Moore to plead guilty and accept the NCR finding. She refused and was transported back to Laval until the earliest possible trial date of April 28, 2019 when she received a full acquittal because the Crown’s arguments failed to meet two of the four required tests that she had committed any crime. The only two that she did meet were:
    a) She was driving
    b) She was followed by the police
    Technically, she was not fleeing anyone and she had zero criminal intent. Accordingly, her six weeks detained in Quebec was simply MORE taxpayer-funded, co-ordinated stalking/harassment/abuse.
    85. It took several days for Moore to retrieve her belongings. Her luggage was literally thrown out onto the parking lot by prison guards at 9:00 pm and she was handed a $25 taxi chit, a subway ticket and some coupon for a free bus ride to Ottawa. All of her other valuables were no where to be found. A taxi driver gave to her $5 so she could stay at McDonald’s until the police precincts opened in the morning. There, she found one of her credit cards buried in a suitcase. So, she phoned the taxi driver and he brought to a nearby hotel. At first, QPP stated they had no idea where her $90,000 in cash and bank drafts and jewellery were. Eventually, however, most of it was returned. Several of her nicer pieces of clothing went missing at Laval, as did her driver’s licence and a $3,500 cheque from her former accountant. (The cheque was cashed and Scotiabank has refused to identify by whom or recoup the funds for her. Also, most of the evidence that Moore had collected while at Laval and the Suroit as well as her 2019 testimony binder were retained by Laval.)
    86. When Moore departed Quebec by taxi on May 3rd, she stopped in Ottawa only long enough to empty her 12 safety deposit boxes of evidence, fetch her passport, obtain a temporary driver’s licence and continue to Toronto where she rented a Jeep and drove to Detroit. It was a 20-hour endeavour until she was safely not-in-Canada.
    The 2019 eviction scam

    87. As previously stated, from March 17 to April 8, Moore attempted to communicate with El-Rayes by phone without success.

  3. Still reeling from the experience, I fled to the US to attempt to figure out what had just happened.
  4. Describe Detroit
  6. x
  7. x
  8. As Sean and Cate had loved Mexico so much, I decided to go there to buy them some gifts.

My son, Sean, has another birthday without me

  1. I requested consent from Hess to send to my son, Sean, a birthday cake for his 17th birthday. (I had made him a homemade cake every year he was born until he was stolen in 2019 … even the years when  Kiska arranged to have me locked up for his birthdays (his 7th and 8th party).
  2. As usual, she never bothered to answer; so, I’ll be forced to bring another taxpayer-funded motion to seek permission, likely be denied by another crooked judge and have another illegally-obtained, unlawful cost award issued against me for the perpetrators’ benefit.
  3. Of course, my daughter, Cate, was sent her “best little sister” gifts too.
  4. Though I was only there for two days, Kiska never gave them my gifts and told them that I had moved to Texas because I didn’t want to be their mum anymore. #ChildAbuse #Gaslighting #Torture

My son, Sean: “Mum, I wish you could just get a regular divorce”.

Click on image for re e-mail to Kiska to ask if he gave Sean and Cate my gifts.


Unbeknownst to me, I had married a covert, malignant narcissist (aka high-functioning) sociopath: pure evil and only capable of mimicking human beings, not actually being one.

  1. Following her release from the horrific Quebec experience, she texted El-Rayes but was informed that she had been evicted and should deal with paralegal Diego Fernandez-Stoll (“Stoll”). She had several e-mail exchanges with Stoll which got her nowhere. During May 2019, Moore also received an e-mail from Kiska where he boasted that he now owned all of her possessions. (He had no business being involved with anything to do with Moore’s eviction.)
    88. Desperate to rebuild her career and re-gain some professional credibility following the massive, long-term character smear that Moore was enduring from seemingly everyone in Ontario and Quebec, she invested in attendance at the American Psychiatric Association’s 2019 Annual Meeting scheduled to be held in San Francisco May 18-22, 2019. There, not only did she network with other professionals in the practice management business—she was simply going to use much of what she developed for AOT and convert it to a practice management tool for mental health care practitioners which, in the United States, are not publicly funded—but, she also spoke with several taxpayer-funded psychiatrists from Europe on the problems with arriving at a correct diagnosis with so little time.
    89. Her intention was to return to Canada immediately following the conference so that she could schedule a visit with Sean and Cate and begin to prepare for the September divorce trial when she should get everything back (with a non-corrupt judge); however, the CAS were evading her phone calls, lying in e-mails and being exceptionally unfair.
    90. She took advantage of the extra time to fly to Europe, hoping to connect with psychiatrists there as she is also a citizen of Ireland and the United Kingdom by birth right and hoped that, perhaps, she could find opportunities for SAQOTU Inc. there as well. Her trip did not go as planned and she was very saddened to see how a couple of towns in London had transitioned for the worst.
    91. Preparing to return to Canada, Moore texted El-Rayes again in June 2019, not quite believing that they had actually stolen all of her possessions. When she returned to Canada and realized that, yes, the house had been emptied, she wrote to the landlord but received no reply. When she posted a picture of her letter to Habib-Allah on LinkedIn, Kiska gave it a “Like” because he is that horrible.
    A new level of wicked from Kiska and the CAS: Jail & Criminal Harassment allegations

    92. Moore’s mandatory, pre-visit meetings with CAS career-criminals Jenn Campbell (“Campbell”) and Mohammed Said (“Said”) were finally scheduled for June 19, 2019 and she recorded their exchanges where Campbell stated that, essentially, child protection is not her “role” and Said admitted that:
    a) Moore was a very loving mother,
    b) he performed an unlawful child apprehension: one without a warrant when there was no imminent danger,
    c) he had not read the binder of evidence of Kiska’s abuse that was provided in January 2019 and
    d) he did not know what a narcissist was.
    93. Her visit with Sean and Cate was scheduled for June 26th and they were excited to see her and she them. Although she was recording the professional misconduct of the CAS for her future Civil Action, she had no intention of recording her visit with Sean and Cate and stated as much. She offered to leave her phones outside of the visitation room where she could see them; but, given the amount of evidence on them, she was not going to hand them over to any CAS employee. (She had already had enough of her technology and evidence sabotaged over the past two years to be that foolish.) Campbell used this opportunity to collude with Kiska to claim that her refusal to hand her phones to security were grounds for cancelling our long-awaited visit. Kiska drove away with Sean and Cate after acknowledging “now, her only way to see the kids will be to violate the court order”. Moore never got to even see them and recorded the despicable behaviour of CAS staff and Campbell’s cruelty until she left.
    94. The following morning, Moore waited for Sean at his bus stop hoping to give him the gifts that she had bought for him and Cate. However, Kiska drove him to school that day and she only got a glimpse of his face which mirrored hers: desperation and longing. She immediately went to the house to see if she could check on Cate; however, with all of the gaslighting that Cate has endured, she did not answer. (During 2019, Kiska stated to Cate: “Your Mummy has moved to Texas and does not want to be your mummy anymore”. What a WICKED think to say to an 11-year old girl who has already been emotionally and psychologically tortured for years.) Moore returned to the corner of Maryland and Prince of Wales to wait for Kiska so that she could confront him about his refusal to let her speak with Sean and Cate over the phone for nearly FIVE months, a clear violation of the 20190408 court order, however, he would not get out of his car and confidently phoned the police as he stuck his tongue out and “gave her the finger” in his sick, twisted way.
    95. Moore waited for the Kiska’s police friend to arrive and asked a passer-by to phone OPS for her so that she could have Kiska charged. Instead, she was arrested without any interview or investigation, charged with violating S. 137 of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act (something she could not possibly be guilty of as she is not a director or an employee of the CAS) and was released the same day to return on July 26th for a hearing.
    96. With her house emptied and CAS-Kiska colluding to rip her from her children’s lives permanently, there was no need to stay in Ottawa for the time-being. Moore returned to the U.S., travelled through many states as she continued to learn from many wonderful Americans that she met while riding the AmTrak and developing a base of ideas for her company’s future on-line magazine, pfi.ROCKS Living! She also continuously, widely distributed evidence against the CAS and Kiska to law enforcement and others so that, eventually, it would be difficult for them to deny liability of a variety of torts and/or crimes. (As an aside, she also served on VVB her Civil Action for which it promptly issued a Notice of Intention to Defend and Statement of Defence.)
    97. Moore returned to Ottawa about a week before her scheduled 20190726 “criminal” hearing and stayed at the Westin as she continued to add followers to both her LinkedIn account and her Facebook account which had amassed over 4,000 “friends” as she shared evidence of corruption in Ottawa with a focus on the terrorist activities of the CAS. During that time, she also visited Kiska.com and quickly realized that he may have possibly opened a business to teach other malignant narcissists how to “dispose” of their spouses during a divorce. At one point, in an attempt to “knock some sense into Kiska”, Moore informed him that terrorism is punishable by death in some states and if his crime ring is in fact international, he could face the death penalty. (As an aside, Moore also began to work on her Discovery Plan with VVB as they proceeded with next steps in her civil action.)
    98. Moore’s 20190726 hearing was ridiculous. It cost her $50 in taxi fare to attend, the prosecutor was not prepared and all that was done was the setting of another court date. She gave to the prosecutor a binder of evidence of why she was not guilty—the charge was eventually dropped—and immediately went back to her $1M+ matrimonial home to see if Sean or Cate were home. (No criminal intent.) They were not. She asked neighbour Dave Stewart if he knew where they were and he said that he was not interested in speaking with her. She left and returned again that evening. (No criminal intent.) As soon as she arrived, HER [essentially, stolen by Kiska] dog Finn barked and alerted Kiska to her presence. He shuffled Sean down the hall (Cate was apparently not home) and phoned his OPS friends. So, Moore kicked in the basement window and hollered “Sean! Cate! I love you!! I miss you!! Your dad is a liar and a VERY bad man!!!” Then, once she heard them leave out the back door, she went inside so that she could leave them a note. Realizing that Kiska would simply steal the note, however, when she saw an erasable black marker she wrote her message on the wall: “Sean! Cate! I love you!! I miss you!! Your dad is a liar and a VERY bad man!!!” Next, she looked around the house quickly to see if she could see evidence that he had the contents of her home and stayed by the front door as she looked through a jewellery box. She removed nothing and decided to leave. She walked out the front door where she was promptly arrested with the two bags of evidence that she intentionally brought with her so that she could finally speak with a legitimate detective.
    99. Moore did not get a legitimate detective: she got Detective Alex Kirady who ignored her testimony, her evidence and the files that were available in COPLOGIC. He charged her with Disobey an Order, Unlawfully in Dwelling and one count of mischief (breaking the window) despite S. 430(7) which states that her action was not a crime. Then, the following morning, Detective Jean Benoit “self-assigned” to the file to charge her with one count of criminal harassment (fear for safety). Constable Lisa Beaucage (“Beaucage”) lied in her police report by stating that there was a warrant out for Moore’s arrest where no such warrant existed.

    1. I began a second action against them prior to the Statute of Limitations barring this remedy and endured more abuse, defamation and court-enabled lawfare.
      • x
      • x
      • x
      • x
    2. Regardless, we began the Discovery Process as I continued to expose the Children’s Aid Society and others via LinkedIn.
    3. Shortly thereafter, I was falsely accused by Kiska for criminal harassment and denied bail—in part due to lies by OPSB employee Alex Kirady (and negligent investigation by other OPSB officers) and Crown prosecutor Mike Boyce—by J.P. Paul Harris.
    4. Once detained, Cavanagh LLP’s lawyer, Susanne Sviergula, scheduled a hearing behind my back and without notice to me until ?days? before the matter was to be heard.
  2. Kiska simply leveraged her arrest to:
    a) get a non-communication order granted (thanks to his friend in the Crown Attorney’s Office (“Crown”), Mike Boyce (“Boyce”))
    b) ensure she was jailed so that the CAS could march forward while she had no access to evidence, legislation or a computer
    c) ensure she was jailed so that the Crown Attorney’s Office could march through obtain finding of guilt and produce for him another bogus NCR opinion for Kiska’s collection.
    100. As an aside, Beaucage admitted that she was paid via Bitcoin and informed me that my Facebook page would soon be taken down: within two weeks, it was. So was my LinkedIn account.
    101. Throughout August, Moore provided both the OPS and the Crown with an abundance of evidence that she was the victim and has been enduring Kiska’s torts and crimes for years. They cherry-picked a variety of documents that they twisted into some sort of evidence against her and ignored the rest. By the middle of August 2019, the Crown had added an additional count of mischief (writing on the wall), an additional count of criminal harassment (repeated communications) as well as the significantly more serious charge of Break and Enter (on her own house, when she stole nothing and had no criminal intent.) Following the dropping of multiple charges following a series of misconduct/incompetence, the Crown is now down to 1 questionable unlawfully in dwelling, 2 waste of time mischiefs, 2 ludicrous criminal harassments and two scandalous 2020 Failure to Comply (“breach”) allegations.
    102. By September 2019, the long-awaited divorce trial had been cancelled and Kiska provided more false information to the court via the CAS while she was detained and in no position to defend herself.
    103. The Crown’s allegations made in its 20191017 Application for Amicus Curiae (“Amicus”) were defamatory and/or provably false: they simply wanted to burden Moore with an Amicus who had no idea how to be an Amicus and, essentially, work against her. After serving over 90 days (despite no criminal record, no history of violence/drugs/weapons, no interview with OPS regarding the criminal harassment charges, innocent until proven guilty, evidence of her victimization everywhere) the Crown’s Moiz Karimjee (“Karimjee”) argued for hours on 20191030 against her release going so far as to state, following his prolonged character assassination, that the community deserved and need protection from Moore. Fortunately, Amicus John Hale (“Hale”) abandoned Moore to teach a course at Carleton University and the judge permitted her to speak. She was released on bail as long as she lived at a bail house and report to a bail supervisor.
    Back to the 2019 eviction scam which began at paras. 78-82

    104. After she finally managed to arrange for bail on October 30, 2019, she filed a police complaint with OPS Officer Andrew Reesor “Reesor”. She brought a binder of evidence. She provided to Reesor a copy of some of the communications with El-Rayes, Stoll and Kiska. Reesor acknowledged that Moore was the victim of theft and opened police file #19-292589 . Reesor told her not to give him anymore evidence and he advised her to wait for a call from an investigator. As all of the details were already written in her OIPRD compliant (which she gave to him), she did not re-write all of the information on her OPS complaint form. Two weeks later, Reesor lied in his police report and closed the file. (Sadly, most of Moore’s evidence provided to Reesor seems to have ended up in the shredder.)
    105. Moore’s 2019 complaint to the Office of the Independent Police Review Directorate about the behaviour of several members of the OPS got her nowhere.
    106. Finally, she has managed to obtain copies of the eviction-related documents and Allah’s phone number was not used; Stoll’s was.
    Ongoing financial abuse continues into 2021

    107. Kiska is truly horrific: he has not paid his piddly, court-ordered support of merely $1,230/month since July 2020 as he hopes to force Moore into Ottawa’s precarious Ottawa Housing program. In January 2021, she was forced to issue a Small Claim (for 6 x $1,230 plus costs) against him and instead of paying the amount owed or offering to settle, he has retained a lawyer to defend the claim!

  3. x
  4. x
  5. 20191127  I provided to Snir a commissioned Affidavit with Exhibits A-Q and asked that he bring a Motion to have the Interim Financial Support amended. He refused. Not only that, he failed to seek leave to appeal MacLeod’s illegally-obtained, unlawful CYFSA order, he lost a Motion heard by Pamela MacEachern (“MacEachern”) enabling all of my personal medical files to be received by Kiska and, within the next six months, demanded that he be removed from the file so he could trigger his scandalous $60,000 “additional fee” for serving Kiska and the CAS’s best interest and continue the ongoing torture of me and my son, Sean, and my daughter, Cate.
  6. x
  7. x
  8. x.


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My daughter, Cate’s, first birthday without me

  1. x
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  6. Of course, I included a couple of gifts for my son, Sean, the best big brother ever, too.
  7. x#ChildAbuse #Gaslighting #Torture

My son, Cate: “Make sure you get my nails, Mum”.

Click on image for link to actual page – rebuilt 20230508 because I was gag extorted into removing my evidence-laden, whistle-blowing site from public view by career criminal and Kiska accomplice, Crown prosecutor Malcolm Savage .


Unbeknownst to me, I had married a covert, malignant narcissist (aka high-functioning) sociopath: pure evil and only capable of mimicking human beings, not actually being one.

2020  Insert Sub-title

  1. 112. Initially grateful for the safety provided by living at a bail house, Moore learned by January 2020 just how dangerous it was. Housing hookers, boosters, dealers and pimps, it was only a matter of time before she was going to somehow be forced to “breach” her bail conditions for her own safety as she is a whistle-blower on The Ottawa Ticket and The Ottawa Pipeline which supplies hookers, boosters, dealers and pimps. Many housemates did fentanyl, others tried to pick fights. To survive, she kept to herself most of the time when she was not at the gym or volunteering. To avoid others, she usually awoke at 4:00 o 5:00 a.m. to do her “chore for the day”. One day in January, when she overhead one of the hookers talking to the bail house manager about whether or not johns were allowed in the house, the manager apologized to Moore and stated that that should have been a private conversation. Following a little research online, it seemed that the manager was actually a pimp. When she found out that Moore was onto her, she arranged for two breach allegations, the second one resulting in an arrest, detention and Crown prosecutor Savage (“Savage”) arguing (unsuccessfully) against Moore’s release.
    113. Throughout January, Moore was pleading with her former attorney, Joseph Addelman (“Addelman”) to seek a variation in her bail conditions so that she could move. He refused. In fact, her January 2020 arrest occurred the morning that she was finally firing him. Perhaps he felt that having her re-arresting and assisting with her release would re-install confidence in him. It did not: the timing was a tad too co-incidental. Plus, she would soon learn that his coercion into volunteering for a psych assessment “on her own terms” was utterly terrible advice (although it did expose yet another crooked psychiatrist; perhaps two).
    114. Once released, Moore brought her own Applications in the Superior Court of Justice (“SCJ”) and Ontario Court of Justice (“OCJ”) during February 2020 seeking several remedies. During one hearing, the Crown’s and the court’s behaviour was so ludicrous that Moore walked out of the courtroom.
    115. Moore attended several appointments at the Royal Ottawa: one with a psychiatrist Zeynep Selaman (“Selaman”) and two with a “social worker” (“FName LName”). She realized pretty quickly that this was not going to be a legitimate psych assessment as there were almost no questions relating her claims of abuse. None of them viewed any evidence that she had brought or supplied an e-mail address so that she could supply evidence. None of them supplied a phone number and all scheduling was done through a receptionist who acted as a message-taker back and forth. 

    I was then assigned another oddly-motivated bail supervisor, Melissa Bradford


  1. For additional context, Kiska lied in his YYYYMMDD court materials when he claimed that I had been admitted to the ROMHC. I had never even been seen by anyone other than the incompetent and/or corrupt outreach worker Ruth Maddock who defamed me in a report when I was seeking assistance from a useless Women’s Shelter.
  2. As mentioned in Snir‘s, Addelman‘s, Savage‘s, Aitken‘s and Selaman’s VIS pages, I was coerced into volunteering for a psychiatric assessment as “it would help my case”.
  3. COVID-19 broke before the assessment was complete (while Moore was on a working holiday in Cuba), however, and the team became unreachable by phone.
  4. Regardless, they produced a scandalous document that cherry-picked facts and severely twisted the truth.
  5. 20200505  Instead of helping my case, ROMHC psychiatrist Zeynep Selaman produced my second scandalous Not Criminal Responsible opinion*: my draft Errors, Omissions and Malicious Obfuscation Analysis is available on Selaman‘s VIS page.X
  6. 202010xx  I was finally given a copy of this scandalous report after me re-arrest in September 2020 days before my Bail Application was to be heard (see Savage‘s VIS page).
  7. When Nahum continued to partially represent my best interests (ie. taxpayer-funded mockery) during a yyyymmdd Certiori hearing:
    • Ramsay and Bourgeois were exposed,
    • my Superior court criminal matters were returned to provincial court for re-election and
    • Selaman’s taxpayer-funded, SCJ-tied, bogus NCR was deemed useless.
  8. All but one bogus charge was dropped on 20220524 when I was extorted into agreeing to a 3-year, torturous Probation Order.

I wasn’t going to mention any ROMHC administrators; however, as:

    • Michelle Doody is helping OPSB to lock me out of another avenue to justice and
    • ROMHC Chief of Staff Dr. Gail Beck (“Beck”) is now the Chair of the OPSB

I have no choice but to assume that Beck is now an accomplice too: I guess we find out at the 20230509 hearing.

Click on image for full 20230501-07 Twitter thread.

  1. Similar to my bail house experience, Moore found herself communicating with individuals who were seemingly only interested in creating problems and reporting breaches when circumstance warranted a little understanding. On March 30, 2020, The John Howard Society (“JHS”) reported a breach when Moore was merely travelling—which was permitted—and cherry-picked information to support its allegation.
  2. x
  3. x
  4. x
  5. x.

More gifts for my son, Sean, and my daughter, Cate

  1. x
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  7. Insert photos of actual gifts purchased

My son, Sean: “Mum, I wish you could just get a regular divorce”.

My son, Sean: “Mum, I wish you could just get a regular divorce”.


My son, Sean: “Mum, I wish you could just get a regular divorce”.

My son, Sean: “Mum, I wish you could just get a regular divorce”.


I didn’t bother to mail these as I knew they would never reach them: still have most of them in my suitcase or in my Dymon Storage Unit in OPSB employee “François D’Aoust’s” aisle. He was the cop who was:

  • circulating information on Technology-assisted Stalking & Harassment (“TASH”) back in 2018 and
  • “warned me” not to contact him [or risk opening a Pandora’s Box].
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2020  re Cate’s Birthday

    1. Then, when Moore was re-released follower her scandalous September 2020 arrest on October 13, 2020, it declined her as a client.
      117. Both Elizabeth Fry Society (“E-Fry”) and JHS now deny Moore as a client. She has no criminal record, no history of violence/weapons/drugs and her charges are minute and/or bogus. Both organizations know this and both organizations stand firmly against Moore while other people (often with a long rap sheet) enter/exit their services frequently. This suggests that, as Moore has alleged, both E-Fry and JHS are participants in Ontario’s tax dollar-siphoning and lucrative Prison Industry. The reality is: for nearly two years, Moore has been dragged through the under belly of this industry as an educated, experienced, analytical, devoted mother of two teens and has accurately deduced how it operates. Incarceration or institutionalization is what frequently happens to whistle-blowers, as Julian Assange would agree.
      118. Combining this with her knowledge of the corruption at the CAS and in the Family branch of the SCJ, it is only logical that The Ottawa Ticket (to dispose of people) and The Ottawa Pipeline (to convert our beautiful babies, children, youth and teens in to sex-trade workers, addicts and/or bodies for The Prison Industry) exist.
      Malicious prosecution by the Crown


      Meanwhile, the CAS is claiming that Moore’s “homelessness” and lack of income are reasons why custody and access should be granted to Kiska! (She is not even homeless: many families live at The Ottawa Inn during this city’s state of affordable housing emergency.) Despite the glaring evidence of Kiska’s false statements, the results from 2018’s four-month investigation by the Office of the Children’s Lawyer that sole custody should be awarded to Moore (and that she was the superior parent) and evidence in its possession of domestic violence (Moore’s 20181231 Submission to Justice Engelking), the CAS’s blind support of the abusive parent is positively criminal. Its breach of its fiduciary duty to Moore’s children is so severe, that one can only ask how many other loving bonds between a parent and a child do they knowingly destroy.
      109. The results from the 20201110 CAS Summary Judgment Motion were released 20201211 and Justice Mary Fraser (Fraser) ruled against Moore despite all of her evidence and her compelling testimony that unless a Summary Judgment was made in her favour, a trial was absolutely necessary.
      110. The CAS has itself used defamatory libel and the fabrication of evidence in its own court submissions in order to permanently remove Moore from the lives of her children.
      111. Moore has commenced an appeal against Fraser’s decision.
      There is a reason that she labelled this Taxpayer-funded Domestic Violence and Child Abuse over two years ago: that is exactly what this is.

    3. 119. At time of writing, the list of crimes committed against Moore by the CAS, Kiska, Bell Baker, OPS, Ministry of the Attorney General (“MAG”), Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (“MCCSS”) and others includes defamatory libel, theft, fraud, false information, conspiracy to persecute, crimes related to Affidavits, (for Crown only) perjury and multiple others; and not single counts either. Both the OPS and the Crown is well aware of all of this; however, Moore is the one on trial not permitted to love, protect or even speak to her children. She cannot even give a message to one of their friend’s for them. Now, it is claimed that her children do not even want to see her and only want to live with Kiska. Apparently, they would like Kiska to stay in touch with her “in case she gets better”. Meanwhile, Kiska is insisted on “no contact”.
      120. Recently, Moore asked the CAS (with a cc to the MCCSS):
      John Kiska’s dad died of a massive heart attack at age 47. His sister died of a massive heart attack last year at the age of 57. He is an undiagnosed malignant narcissist who is currently 60 ½ years old. To my knowledge, he has no Will and zero life insurance. He has driven down the property value of our matrimonial home which has a mortgage of over $300,000 to the point where neighbours have complained to the City of Ottawa. Kindly confirm what would happen to my beautiful teens if John Kiska dies this year: not just a possibility, it is a statistical probability. Specifically:
      • Would you send them to the foster system?
      • Or, would you admit that you have been ignoring my evidence and working for Kiska all along and return Sean and Cate to my care?
      She has yet to receive a reply.
      121. Moore’s criminal trial for the substantive charges is currently scheduled for June 14-16, 18 and 21 where Savage has stated that on any finding of guilt he will seek an NCR finding so that she is sent for forced “psychotropic treatment” of Delusional Disorder, Persecutory Type, a disorder that Moore does not have. (That is how corrupt Ottawa truly is.) Overall, the Crown has arrested, charged and detained Moore four times. Each time the Crown has argued heavily against her release, most recently on October 13, 2020 when Boyce argued for 3½ hours that she be denied bail:
      a) Moore defeated Boyce by agreeing to wear a $400+/month GPS-monitoring ankle bracelet.
      b) After Moore was released, the bogus charges were dropped.
      c) The requirement to wear the bracelet was later dropped without hesitation when requested.
      Noteworthy is that during her transport back to Ottawa from Southern Ontario, the OPS refused to transport her computers, her evidence or her clothing. She had to prepare for her Summary Judgment Motion against the CAS; however, first she had to pay ~$1,000 for a Blueline Taxi to retrieve the technology, evidence and clothing from St. Catharine’s. Again, her September 22, 2020 charges were dropped.
      122. Moore is a highly-educated and talented woman who has been developing a not-for-profit that will help to raise awareness of the fragility of mental health when in an abusive relationship since 2015. Because of the past five years, she intends to also assist victims of The Prison Industry via her advocacy website pfi.ROCKS and other initiatives.
      123. Moore intends to seek sole custody and access of her children, Sean and Cate (now aged 15 and 14), to protect them from further harm. They have been enduring the evil whims of Kiska since 2013—their education and self-esteem have suffered enough. Certainly, their bond with their devoted mother has suffered an incredibly unfair, crushing blow.

    4. x
    5. https://twb.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/20200505_Assessment_ROMHC_Selaman-Zeynep_Watts-Joel_Addelman-Joe_Savage-Malcolm_Aitken-Catherine.pdf
    6. x
    7. x
    8. x
    9. x.
    1. 112. Initially grateful for the safety provided by living at a bail house, Moore learned by January 2020 just how dangerous it was. Housing hookers, boosters, dealers and pimps, it was only a matter of time before she was going to somehow be forced to “breach” her bail conditions for her own safety as she is a whistle-blower on The Ottawa Ticket and The Ottawa Pipeline which supplies hookers, boosters, dealers and pimps. Many housemates did fentanyl, others tried to pick fights. To survive, she kept to herself most of the time when she was not at the gym or volunteering. To avoid others, she usually awoke at 4:00 o 5:00 a.m. to do her “chore for the day”. One day in January, when she overhead one of the hookers talking to the bail house manager about whether or not johns were allowed in the house, the manager apologized to Moore and stated that that should have been a private conversation. Following a little research online, it seemed that the manager was actually a pimp. When she found out that Moore was onto her, she arranged for two breach allegations, the second one resulting in an arrest, detention and Crown prosecutor Savage (“Savage”) arguing (unsuccessfully) against Moore’s release.
      113. Throughout January, Moore was pleading with her former attorney, Joseph Addelman (“Addelman”) to seek a variation in her bail conditions so that she could move. He refused. In fact, her January 2020 arrest occurred the morning that she was finally firing him. Perhaps he felt that having her re-arresting and assisting with her release would re-install confidence in him. It did not: the timing was a tad too co-incidental. Plus, she would soon learn that his coercion into volunteering for a psych assessment “on her own terms” was utterly terrible advice (although it did expose yet another crooked psychiatrist; perhaps two).
      114. Once released, Moore brought her own Applications in the Superior Court of Justice (“SCJ”) and Ontario Court of Justice (“OCJ”) during February 2020 seeking several remedies. During one hearing, the Crown’s and the court’s behaviour was so ludicrous that Moore walked out of the courtroom.
      115. Moore attended several appointments at the Royal Ottawa: one with a psychiatrist Zeynep Selaman (“Selaman”) and two with a “social worker” (“FName LName”). She realized pretty quickly that this was not going to be a legitimate psych assessment as there were almost no questions relating her claims of abuse. None of them viewed any evidence that she had brought or supplied an e-mail address so that she could supply evidence. None of them supplied a phone number and all scheduling was done through a receptionist who acted as a message-taker back and forth. COVID-19 broke before the assessment was complete (while Moore was on a working holiday in Cuba) and the team became unreachable by phone. Regardless, they produced a scandalous document that cherry-picked facts and severely twisted the truth. (https://twb.rocks/living/exposes/00000011_not-criminally-responsible-opinions_can-they-be-purchased/)

      The further criminalization of Moore via forced reporting to an oddly-motivated bail supervisor

      116. Similar to her bail house experience, Moore found herself communicating with individuals who were seemingly only interested in creating problems and reporting breaches when circumstance warranted a little understanding. On March 30, 2020, The John Howard Society (“JHS”) reported a breach when Moore was merely travelling—which was permitted—and cherry-picked information to support its allegation. Then, when Moore was re-released follower her scandalous September 2020 arrest on October 13, 2020, it declined her as a client.
      117. Both Elizabeth Fry Society (“E-Fry”) and JHS now deny Moore as a client. She has no criminal record, no history of violence/weapons/drugs and her charges are minute and/or bogus. Both organizations know this and both organizations stand firmly against Moore while other people (often with a long rap sheet) enter/exit their services frequently. This suggests that, as Moore has alleged, both E-Fry and JHS are participants in Ontario’s tax dollar-siphoning and lucrative Prison Industry. The reality is: for nearly two years, Moore has been dragged through the under belly of this industry as an educated, experienced, analytical, devoted mother of two teens and has accurately deduced how it operates. Incarceration or institutionalization is what frequently happens to whistle-blowers, as Julian Assange would agree.
      118. Combining this with her knowledge of the corruption at the CAS and in the Family branch of the SCJ, it is only logical that The Ottawa Ticket (to dispose of people) and The Ottawa Pipeline (to convert our beautiful babies, children, youth and teens in to sex-trade workers, addicts and/or bodies for The Prison Industry) exist.
      Malicious prosecution by the Crown


      Meanwhile, the CAS is claiming that Moore’s “homelessness” and lack of income are reasons why custody and access should be granted to Kiska! (She is not even homeless: many families live at The Ottawa Inn during this city’s state of affordable housing emergency.) Despite the glaring evidence of Kiska’s false statements, the results from 2018’s four-month investigation by the Office of the Children’s Lawyer that sole custody should be awarded to Moore (and that she was the superior parent) and evidence in its possession of domestic violence (Moore’s 20181231 Submission to Justice Engelking), the CAS’s blind support of the abusive parent is positively criminal. Its breach of its fiduciary duty to Moore’s children is so severe, that one can only ask how many other loving bonds between a parent and a child do they knowingly destroy.
      109. The results from the 20201110 CAS Summary Judgment Motion were released 20201211 and Justice Mary Fraser (Fraser) ruled against Moore despite all of her evidence and her compelling testimony that unless a Summary Judgment was made in her favour, a trial was absolutely necessary.
      110. The CAS has itself used defamatory libel and the fabrication of evidence in its own court submissions in order to permanently remove Moore from the lives of her children.
      111. Moore has commenced an appeal against Fraser’s decision.
      There is a reason that she labelled this Taxpayer-funded Domestic Violence and Child Abuse over two years ago: that is exactly what this is.

    3. 119. At time of writing, the list of crimes committed against Moore by the CAS, Kiska, Bell Baker, OPS, Ministry of the Attorney General (“MAG”), Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (“MCCSS”) and others includes defamatory libel, theft, fraud, false information, conspiracy to persecute, crimes related to Affidavits, (for Crown only) perjury and multiple others; and not single counts either. Both the OPS and the Crown is well aware of all of this; however, Moore is the one on trial not permitted to love, protect or even speak to her children. She cannot even give a message to one of their friend’s for them. Now, it is claimed that her children do not even want to see her and only want to live with Kiska. Apparently, they would like Kiska to stay in touch with her “in case she gets better”. Meanwhile, Kiska is insisted on “no contact”.
      120. Recently, Moore asked the CAS (with a cc to the MCCSS):
      John Kiska’s dad died of a massive heart attack at age 47. His sister died of a massive heart attack last year at the age of 57. He is an undiagnosed malignant narcissist who is currently 60 ½ years old. To my knowledge, he has no Will and zero life insurance. He has driven down the property value of our matrimonial home which has a mortgage of over $300,000 to the point where neighbours have complained to the City of Ottawa. Kindly confirm what would happen to my beautiful teens if John Kiska dies this year: not just a possibility, it is a statistical probability. Specifically:
      • Would you send them to the foster system?
      • Or, would you admit that you have been ignoring my evidence and working for Kiska all along and return Sean and Cate to my care?
      She has yet to receive a reply.
      121. Moore’s criminal trial for the substantive charges is currently scheduled for June 14-16, 18 and 21 where Savage has stated that on any finding of guilt he will seek an NCR finding so that she is sent for forced “psychotropic treatment” of Delusional Disorder, Persecutory Type, a disorder that Moore does not have. (That is how corrupt Ottawa truly is.) Overall, the Crown has arrested, charged and detained Moore four times. Each time the Crown has argued heavily against her release, most recently on October 13, 2020 when Boyce argued for 3½ hours that she be denied bail:
      a) Moore defeated Boyce by agreeing to wear a $400+/month GPS-monitoring ankle bracelet.
      b) After Moore was released, the bogus charges were dropped.
      c) The requirement to wear the bracelet was later dropped without hesitation when requested.
      Noteworthy is that during her transport back to Ottawa from Southern Ontario, the OPS refused to transport her computers, her evidence or her clothing. She had to prepare for her Summary Judgment Motion against the CAS; however, first she had to pay ~$1,000 for a Blueline Taxi to retrieve the technology, evidence and clothing from St. Catharine’s. Again, her September 22, 2020 charges were dropped.
      122. Moore is a highly-educated and talented woman who has been developing a not-for-profit that will help to raise awareness of the fragility of mental health when in an abusive relationship since 2015. Because of the past five years, she intends to also assist victims of The Prison Industry via her advocacy website pfi.ROCKS and other initiatives.
      123. Moore intends to seek sole custody and access of her children, Sean and Cate (now aged 15 and 14), to protect them from further harm. They have been enduring the evil whims of Kiska since 2013—their education and self-esteem have suffered enough. Certainly, their bond with their devoted mother has suffered an incredibly unfair, crushing blow.

    4. x
    5. https://twb.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/20200505_Assessment_ROMHC_Selaman-Zeynep_Watts-Joel_Addelman-Joe_Savage-Malcolm_Aitken-Catherine.pdf
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  6. x

2020  Continued

  1. After Cate’s birthday, they tried to have me re-arrested via a second orchestrated breach. However, this one failed.
  2. I ended the year still in a room at The Ottawa Inn … with a TV … so I could learn about the Christmas morning bombing in Nashville … and practice reading the language of cant in a related 20201225 CNN article.
  3. x
  4. x
  5. x
  6. x
  7. x

2021  Insert Sub-title

  1. x
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  6. x
  7. On January 10, 2021, realizing that Cedric Nahum (“Nahum“) was not remotely attempting to serve my best interests, I contacted high-profile lawyer Michael Spratt (“Spratt”) who initially offered to help me. Once he realized that I was a Targeted Individual (“TI”), however, he refused to assist me. (See Exhibit X).
  8. In March of 2021, following its investigation, the BMO Ombudsman convinced BMO to removed Kiska as a co-signing authority from AOT (that he duped her into granting in 2014). This permitted Moore’s new company, SAQOTU Inc., to issue a bond to AOT and obtain some funds in order to retain a lawyer for some of her legal matters. If she could obtain success in any matter, she would be in better position to secure legal representation for all of her legal matters.
    125. On April 6th, Moore issued a two civil actions against Kiska and some of his accomplices.
    126. On April 7th, she was re-arrested and five more bogus charges were laid: the Crown did not argue that Moore be denied bail on any grounds. The only conditions?
    Moore was forced to remove her company’s evidence-laden website pfi.rocks from public view and she can no longer attempt to share the truth with her children’s teachers and friends. This evidence is now stored at twb.rocks under password protection for easy access by law enforcment.
  1. In my opinion, despite claiming to seek justice in human rights, Spratt must not be too interested in curbing the court-enabled organized crime, domestic terrorism and/or human trafficking in Ottawa because he blocked my Twitter account as soon as he realized who I was.5
  2. I wasn’t going to include Spratt in this testimony; however, someone practically begged me to expose him stating “[Spratt] needs to go”.

Click on image for full 20230505-06 exchange.

  1. (Insert link to password-protected allegations and evidence upon receipt.)

  1. No one asked me to include Ottawa-based, high-profile lawyer, Paul Champ (“Champ”) in my next RNC police report; however, in my opinion, they’re both snakes in suits. (Insert link to e-mails sent to him and Senator Kim Pate (“Pate”). Expand on details of the reality behind Elizabeth Fry Society in 2020 and link back to the Joe Addelman (“Addelman”) Victim Impact Statement.)

Click on image for my opinion on Spratt, Champ, Addelman & Pate.

2022  The Extradition & Re-acquisition: Ontario to Newfoundland

  1. x
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  5. x

2023  Newfoundland’s Chief Information Office Exposed, OPSB Extortion & Continued Court-enabled Fraud

  1. x
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  5. x

2023  May: More Self-incriminating evidence produced as Dr. Gail Yenter Beck becomes Chair of the OPSB

  1. x
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  4. x
  5. x

My son, Sean, has another birthday without me

  1. I requested consent from Hess to send to my son, Sean, a birthday cake for his 17th birthday. (I had made him a homemade cake every year he was born until he was stolen in 2019 … even the years when  Kiska arranged to have me locked up for his birthdays (his 7th and 8th party).
  2. As usual, she never bothered to answer; so, I’ll be forced to bring another taxpayer-funded motion to seek permission, likely be denied by another crooked judge and have another illegally-obtained, unlawful cost award issued against me for the perpetrators’ benefit.
  3. This is the main role of Civil Courts in all of Ontario, I suspect; if not all of Ontario.

My son, Sean: “Mum, I wish you could just get a regular divorce”.

Click on image for full 20230426-20230508 exchange.


Bell Baker LLP lawyers will commit the crimes of fraud, theft, torture, human trafficking, domestic terrorism and more for only $300-500/hour.

If you would like to dispose of anyone (or try to) by driving them to suicide so you can avoid a divorce, increase your inheritance or secure your next promotion, call them at (613) 237-3444.

The best I could do for my son, Sean, on his 17th birthday was this page in html: https://twb.rocks/archives/y2023/m202305/d20230508

Verily, my beautiful teens are surrounded by monsters who’ll do anything to prevent them from ever learning the truth. 


  1. 20230509  OPSB produced more self-incriminating evidence yesterday by not withdrawing their application (as advised by me) to have me declared a vexatious litigant and suggesting they would oppose my motion to receive the complete, unredacted 3rd party records (transcript of the 20230509 Case Management Conference heard by Associate Justice Fortier available upon request) required to fully refute their allegations (see details in Summary, RHS #1 here: https://twb.rocks/organized-crime/vis/michelle-doody.)
    • Details of my oral presentation are available at Case Management Conference: I was prevented from filing any materials. (Transcript available upon request.)
  2. 20230510  I refiled my OPSB Motion Materials as required first thing the following morning: the rest of this story is being recorded as time permits at Doody’s VIS page noted above.
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Policy Horizons Canada

    1. 20230515-16  I finally was in a position to focus on an interview with James Scott MacKillop regarding the extensive research that he’s done on the horrific policies being rolled out by the Government of Canada on the sly.
    2. Here are the highlights of this two-part interview which also contains links to the source documents that contain James’ allegations as well as ideas on what one can do to help raise awareness.
    3. 20230517  I e-mailed a link to this evidence-laden interview to a few of the career criminals who’ve been terrorizing my children and me, all of Ottawa City Hall and some law enforcement.
      • Are they all too busy grifting to see what’s coming down the pipe for them and theirs?
      • Have they been duped into somehow believing they will escape the evil that’s associated with #BiodigitalConvergence?
      • Are any of them still people? Or, have the fully descended into sociopathy or become full-blown Satanists in need of #1800CallAnExorcist?
      • Maybe, they’re just stupid? Time will tell.
    4. Still 20230517  I received a call from John Glass wanting to discuss a BMO issue. I told him that I was busy preparing for a hearing for the next day and invited him to send to me an e-mail.
    5. 20230518  Instead of waiting for my reply, he phoned me on the 18th just prior to my other hearing and threatened me with legal action. So, I:





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Recovery Science Corporation

  1. 20230518  Recovery Sciences Corporation didn’t even bother showing up to the Small Claims Settlement Conference. (Nice try on attempting to get me to sign your scandalous Release Order though!) Here are the details on the 2020 Orchestrated Breach #2 (attempt). The case was dismissed without costs on my consent.
  2. Scroll up to October 2020 when:
    • I was forced to wear their GPS-monitoring ankle bracelet by Mike Boyce (at my own expense)
    • in order to be released from the Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre prior to my criminal trial
    • which never occurred … as all of the charges were 100% bogus and/or resulting from John Kiska‘s original 20190726 false allegation of criminal harassment
    • in order to have my long-awaited divorce trial (where he would have lost everything) cancelled by ex-CAS employee, Justice Tracy Engelking.


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June 2023

OPSB Accomplices Border Ladner Gervais LLP

  1. 20230606  my 3rd-party records Motion is scheduled to be heard. My materials are:
    • YYYYMMDD Notice of Motion
    • YYYYMMDD Affidavit
    • YYYYMMDD Factum
    • YYYYMMDD Motion Record
    • YYYYMMDD Notice of Confirmation
  2. Their self-incriminating responding materials are:
    • x
    • x
    • x
    • x
  3. Other details on this court-enabled #Fraud #Torture #HumanTrafficking and #DomesticTerrorism is available here.Addelman Accomplices at Nelligan Payne O’Brien LLP

  4. 20230608  their Motion to have their Notice of Default Set aside so they can pursue another illegally-obtained, favourable Rule 21 decision with a cost award for the perpetrators (161 Elgin Street’s standard modus operandi).

  5. x
  6. Other details on this court-enabled #Fraud #Torture #HumanTrafficking and #DomesticTerrorism is available here.

Michelle Doody of BLG LLP is currently committing multiple crimes to harbour the crimes and torts of the OPSB (Ottawa Police Services Board).

Craig O’Brien of Nelligan Law is currently committing multiple crimes to harbour the crimes and torts of Joseph Addelman (Addelman Baum Gilbert Robinson LLLP)

July 2023

NL’s CCSD, FName LName, FName LName

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(insert title)

(insert title)

September 2023

The “Landlady”, the RNC Scandal & the Action-packed Journey back to the cesspool of Ontario

  1. 2023090x-08  Shelene Crawley: the fraudster, thief & “piece of nasty” who enjoyed participating in sick&twisted headgames as all Anti-social Personality Disordered/Sociopaths do.
  2. 20230908-10  The Gathering Place
  3. 20230912  More crime from BLG’s Michelle Doody & SCJ via Caselines and obfuscation of my “judges recusal” hearing
  4. 2023091X  John Goff: another “trafficking” cop
  5. 20230911-14  The journey back to the cesspool of Ontario
  6. 20230914  Another crooked judge, Narissa Somji
  7. 20230915  Niagara Regional Police Service, the RCMP & newfound homelessness
  9. xx insert all details and link to various pages

Shelene “strikes a pose” for her 2 “Facebook followers”

SCJ Judge Narissa Somji pretends to be capable of experiencing human emotions.

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XThe mental health INDUSTRY now refers to that which I experienced as a psychotic break when, in fact, it was my first experience with psyche-osis; the true etymology of which is “higher knowledge”/”spiritual awareness”. This satanic industry converted a higher state of awareness into a bogus mental disorder so they could drug it out of anyone beginning to experience psychepathy–a state just below telepathy. See draft thoughts on this concept here: https://twb.rocks/organized-crime/descending-into-sociopathy.




