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Tilt a World: wouldn’t it be just like Lucifer to make Our Father look out to be a liar?

Work-in-progress article started 20240729 at 04:27 e.s.t. || last updated 20240824 19:38 e.s.t.

(insert sub-question)?

(20240729) Screenshot of Jack White‘s ex-wife’s website “Brrr-scary” by Andee Sea Cae Jak

by Andee Sea Cae Jak et al. (20240729-20240824)


I tripped over some odd imagery the other day and wondered:

  • why is there a white horse overlayed on the image,
  • why is the background at an x-degree angle,
  • why is the photograph titled “Island Luxury”
  • why is one anagram of the photographer’s name “tyr one blone” (pronounced “tier one blone”)?

Admittedly, my interpretation of above may have been somewhat influenced by other (insert 20240605-20240728 photo-journalism page, etc.).

The Seven Seals

(insert commentary)


Genesis 1:1-31

(insert commentary & introduce draft article “Why would they lie?” (https://)

(2024mmdd) Screenshot of article outline included in [2024mmdd-mmdd “Dear Managers” mail campaign)

His Covenant

  • a
  • b
  • c


(insert scrollbox with opposing views &/or resources)


  1. x
  2. x
  3. x
  4. x
  5. x
  6. x
  7. x
  8. x
  9. x
  10. x




(Insert fun comment for allegeldy “top” Ottawa-based, human rights/criminal defence attorneys Michael Spratt and Paul Champ)!! 







RETURN to SPEAR IT! list of articles

RETURN to (draft) Defensive Dysregulation article outlined at https://twb.rocks/psychiatry


….. (continue)


What is Elon Musk up to with that diverse portfolio of his?

(insert views on Elon Musk and link to draft article: https://twb.rocks/blank-00/living/spirit/000017_is-the-boring-company-boring_saqotu_andee-jak)

(20240729) Screenshot of article outline “Never, Meek Soul.” circulated June-August 2024

(insert possible motivations of various stakeholder interests)


and introduce [insert name’s] video re: Swiss roots 

New Zealand’s Topography, the hidden meaning of Kiwi* & the wickedness of a False Rapture

Undated image of His stationary, level plane

Here is a list of 10 cities in New Zealand and their elevation above sea level:

  • Auckland (23 meters)
  • Wellington (492 meters)
  • Christchurch (45 meters)
  • Queenstown (1147 meters)
  • Dunedin (407 meters)
  • Rotorua (289 meters)
  • Napier (13 meters)
  • Nelson (20 meters)
  • Tauranga (9 meters)
  • Hamilton (184 meters)

(insert comments regarding how water could be pooled in various mountainous areas)

(insert imagery at Senate Office in capital of Canada, Ottawa Ontario re: Coat of Arms, etc.)

*(insert mirror images of KIWI, wiki, etc.)


(insert image re: *******-******* **********)


insert pdf version of article outline

(change logo to new pen name, url & corporate colours)

Meet Deirdre Moore (pen name:  Andee Sea Cae Jak ): advocate to end #TDVCA … and other evils that currently exist.