Defense Attorney Cedric Nahum
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In a nutshell:
- (Insert summary regarding manner in which he serves the Crown and the CAS by pretending to represent the client while enabling malicious prosecution, parental alienation/child alienation, fraud, etc. The simplest way to arrest this career-criminal is via s. 21(1), s. 22.1 and s. 23(1).)
Evidence of Cedric Nahum gaslighting clients for pleasure and profit as he “works for” the Crown
“Can a homosexual be a misogynist? Absolutely. Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice is loaded with them. Liberal Cabinet Minister #DavidLametti makes sure of it!”
~ Deirdre Moore, business owner, (former) CFA, BBA & childless mother of two.
- Nahum loves to mock me when he sees me in the courthouse by saying things like “Ms. Moore, so nice to see you out of custody!” (to which I respond, “can’t wait to see you finally in custody!”)
For details of the three crimes simultaneously committed against me on April 8, 2019 (4+8,2+10 > 12,12 > 3,3 > 6)
so Syndicate could chuckle at the “666” see:
Feel free to request a copies of any and all court documents by sending to me an e-mail at
So many criminals, so little time.
It will be difficult to itemize the irreparable harm that Cedric Nahum has caused me and my two children: we are still paying the price today.
SUMMARY: In reverse chronological order:
- The saga continues at as Nahum continues to gaslight newly accused who haven’t yet learned of the Crown’s many #FalsePositiveConviction strategies (insert link to article).
2024 – 2022
- For details on post Nahum-fun in criminal court, see back-stabbing criminal defence lawyer Alyssa Jervis and partial details uploaded for screenplay #Mummygate at
- The Certiorari Application was heard by [insert judge]. Nahum did a “half-assed” job as Savage offered to drop the B&E charge if judge would keep the file in SCJ (so he could use Zeynep Selaman’s scandalous NCR opinion (see it partially analyzed and published at
- The Certiorari Application: (insert link)
- Savage’s Response: (insert link)
- The Transcript: (insert link)
- Judge refused and I re-elected to start over the craziness in OCJ.
- From 2020122x-3x, Nahum was involved in another orchestrated breach event which involved Malcolm Savage (, FName LName at the 161 Elgin Street Criminal Counter and FName LName of Recovery Science (the GPS-monitoring ankle bracelet company). Insert details of how the entire crew was pressuring me to move from the slum apartment into a snazzy, new, affordable downtown apartment without receiving the permission exactly as it was drafted in my 20201013 Release Order (see bizarrely-worded condition #12 at which they all (essentially) denied existed as the move date approached and I had to cancel the move … at more expense to me).
“There is no bar too low under which these things won’t slither when trying to snare their prey.”
~Andee Sea Cae Jak
- On 20201105 (see insert), Nahum warned Savage that his malicious persecution was a little too obvious (see their e-mail exchange at
- On 2020091d, shortly after I had served and filed my materials for a Bail Review Application (see where there couldn’t have been more exculpatory evidence contained in once place), I was re-arrested on some without-grounds warrant and ended up forced to hire Nahum to represent me for the looming CAS Summary Judgment Motion ( He soon duped me into allowing him to represent me for my “criminal matters” by stating that he could bring a Certiorari Application (based solely on the fiasco that was Crown John Ramsay’s 2019 August addition of a Break & Enter charge without proper “election” notice by the bench (see transcript at (I ended up firing him from both files.)
- For testimony regarding previous defense attorney’s and court-appointed Amicus Curiae see:
Guidance for Law Enforcement
- S. 21(1) > Parties to Offence (link to page that lists each criminal he has assisted to commit a crime)
- S. 23(1) > Accessory after the fact (X counts: link to page that lists each criminal she has assisted to commit a crime)
- S. 380(1)(b) Fraud (X counts)
- S. 300/301 Defamatory Libel (X counts)
- S. 366 Forgery (0 counts)
- S. 137 Fabricated Evidence (X counts)
- S. XXX False Affidavit (X counts)
- S. 131 Perjury (X counts)
- S. 126 Disobeying a Statute (X counts)
- S. 264 Criminal Harassment (X counts: link to page that lists each criminal she has assisted to commit a crime)
- S. 139(1) > Obstruction of Justice (X counts)
- S. 465(1)(b) Conspiracy to Prosecute
- S. 83.18 > Terrorist Activities || See also S. 83.01 (1) for definition/clarity
Guidance for Other Victims of Taxpayer-funded Domestic Violence & Child Abuse (#TDVCA)
- Negligence: _.
- Defamation: _.
- Breach in fiduciary duty: _.
- Knowing assistance in breach in fiduciary duty: _.
- Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
- Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
- Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.
- Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.
- Malice
- Unjust Enrichment
EVIDENCE OF CRIME/VIOLATIONS: ACTIONS AND/OR INACTIONS OF RYAN BELL, Judge who represents Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice