Placeholder for evidence against another Crown-positioned criminal ||| page last updated 20250206 05:08
20250206: Rodgers (insert response)
20250205: Rodgers (or, someone pretending to be Rodgers) had the [insert term of choice] to state that the Crown would be seeking NCR opinions upon conviction [by one of OCJ’s many crooked judges] (see My 20250205 16:55 Reply requested confirmation that my interpretation was correct (see I provided a deadline of 20250206 12:00 e.s.t.
Note: For anyone not yet convinced that:
-The Prosecution Industry &
-The Psychiatry Industry
are merely weaponized, govt fronts used to, among other things, silence whistleblowers & [real] investigative journalists, realize that the Probation Order was never legal in the first instance. How was it illegal?
Well, the Crown added a s. 348 Break & Entry charge to convert ALL of my 2019 charges from hybrid offences (which could have been prosecuted summarily) to straight indictable offences (see Image #1); and, a s. 349 charge prosecuted by indictment CANNOT be punished by probation ❌ (See images 2,3)
Like Family Court and Civil Court in Ottawa, Criminal Court is like the Wild West: entirely lawless.
Image #1
Image #2
Image #3 Image #4
Not sure why my Probation Order was unlawful? Well, it conditions violates …. AND
conditions #x-y s. 21(1) of the Criminal Code.
Earlier that day, I had to appear in court where I was not on any docket despite the “Promise to Appear” that was folded, in my pocket. (insert email evidence of shenanigans and copy of 20241209 Release Order).
20250204 (14:59) Rodgers refuses to answer my questions regarding that which the Crown is seeking should I be sentenced (see
20250110 Insert description of events recorded 20250110 (to best of abilities) when Rodgers recommended the court use its “broad sweeping powers” to illegally deny my third-party records Application and, therefore:
- my full defence AND
- a fair trial
Why illegally? s. 465(1)(b), s. 430, s. 429 s. 139(2), s. 126(1), s. 23(1), s. 22.1 and s.21(1) come to mind. Imagine a Crown prosecutor being convicted on all of that … for just little ol’ me. (To have fun adding up Rodgers’ possible sentence, start with the s. 139(2) at Hey, maybe it’s time for me to make another … “Hockey Pool” (see sample at
My scribbly notes are stored at; but, even more incriminating would be the audio files. (What, she asks sarcastically, are the odds of me successfully obtaining those?)
During that hearing, Rodgers also stated “[with respect to the kidnapping], I don’t believe that it happened” despite having knowledge, or ought to have had knowledge, that my testimony and evidence of same had already been published at
Link to [just another crooked judge] Annik Sonia Wills
2024mmdd Insert details of this scandalous football being tossed to newly-recruited lawyer who seemingly has been only too happy to be paid to commit crime without consequence. Or, has Rodgers been extorted?