Lights, Camera, Action!
cops – lawyers/judges/prosecutors – doctors/nurses/hospitals – teachers/principals – child protection workers – shelters/social services – clerks/secretaries – real estate agents/”landlords & landladies” – politicians … & “family”
“Harassment by Inaction” Article || Welcome to 🔥 Ottawa 🔥 || Back to #Mummygate
(Page started 20240711 16:46 – last updated 20240714 22:27 e.s.t.)
Entering my ELEVENTH year attempting to divorce what I’ve been told is a covert, malignant narcissist, I have learned much about how we are all trafficked through a network of conscious-free, law enforcement/court-empowered sociopaths for pleasure and profit. I’ve gone from being:
- a victim of domestic violence to
- an advocate for mental resilience to
- a targeted individual to
- a whistle-blower on organized crime and domestic terrorism
in which law enforcement, local/provincial/federal politicians, the field of psychiatry and the province of Ontario are complicit.
#DARVO101 #CovertMalignantNarcissim #EpitomeOfNegligentInvestigation #IrreparableHarm #ChildAbuse #Fraud #SystemicTortureTraffickingTerrorism #TDVCA #Ottawa Police #MayorMarkSutcliffe #GailYentaBeck
Evidence of Harassment by Inaction?
- Hell-ta Shell-ta: exposing the fact that many of our shelters do nothing other than keep people employed
- Ontario Works: exposing the fact that the Nation’s Capital will spend hundreds/thousands of dollars to deny a legitimate $45 cost-recovery claim
- 161 Elgin Street: the front for organized crime that is Ottawa’s legal judicial system–all branches, no exceptions.
- “No profit? No Service.” Understanding Ontario’s “healthcare” business model.
- x
Stage 1: Hell-ta Shell-ta (202309dd to present)
last updated 20240714
Both Ontario’s Niagara Region and Ottawa’s “shelter” systems have been infiltrated by petty thieves, gang and/or the “gang-stalking” division (“GSI-mal”) of Canada’s sick & twisted human trafficking/targeting operation. Here are just a few of the events that demonstrate the “pinball” approach to managing the homeless until they:
- become completely immobile due to overuse injuries,
- are driven into the inmate (via “boosting” (ie. shoplifting)) or the addict industries and/or
- are consumed by negative emotions that lead to depression, rage and/or suicide.
Actors (Roles)
A. “Jailin” from Ottawa’s 250 Lanark Avenue (overflow shelter)
B. “Lashes” & Anna (plus, two security guards) at Ottawa’s Shepherds of Good Hope (“SGH”)
C. “Nick” & security guard Alex at SGH
D. OPS Officer Amanda “Sweet Boots” Smith
E. Niagara Falls YWCA (insert name)
F. St. Catharines Outreach worker (insert name)
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“Jailin” at 250 Lanark Avenue, “Overflow Shelter”, Ottawa | “Nick” & “Lashes” at the Shepherds of Good Hope, Ottawa | Montfort Renaissance at 215 North River Road, Ottawa | YWCA (Niagara Falls) & Street Outreach (St. Catharines) | Other |
“Jailin” at 250 Lanark Avenue, “Overflow Shelter”, Ottawa | “Nick” & “Lashes” at the Shepherds of Good Hope, Ottawa | Montfort Renaissance at 215 North River Road, Ottawa | YWCA (Niagara Falls) & Street Outreach (St. Catharines) | Other |
20240710 (~20:30 after being booked in by Belong Ottawa (Somerset location), signed in on-site at about 20:30 and despite having a doctor’s note (see note at seeking privileges/accommodation), “Jailin” refused entry and sent me from this “overflow shelter” to 24-hour 507 Bank that has no beds because “it would better suit my needs”. Forced into a taxi via taxi chit (which was previously unavailable … forcing me to use 9-1-1 paramedics on both 20240708 and 20240709). “Jailin” seems very GSI-mal to me. **Note: I did manage to stay at this former-CBC-building-now-shelter for three nights 20240707-09. A few things struck me as odd and made me wonder if our Satanic Capital could be planning some False Flag Event. A selection of photographs for your interpretation are stored here: |
20240707 Immediately upon return from my morning, when I was hoping to take the afternoon off to give my sprained knees and ankles a rest, I was harassed by SGH frontline worker “Lashes” who literally swarmed me upon entry until she and her accomplices threw me out. Sadly, they managed to rob my of my barber scissors and my Farm Boy groceries worth ~$100-200. (They didn’t get any locker contents though.) Some of my testimony and evidence is stored here: “Lashes”, Anna and two more SGH security guards seems very GSI-mal to me. |
20240216 Being tossed out of this tax-dollar/donation siphoning operation without cause or notice landed me over 100 days in jail … at a cost of >$500/day. My scandalous 3-day trial for this nonsense is booked for April 2025 and some of my testimony and evidence against this operations is stored here: As of 20240714, I am still trying to recover the cost of my stolen groceries as evidenced by this e-mail exchange stored here: |
See details regarding how I was stalked out of the so-called women’s shelter one day after serving on the Niagara Regional Police Service a $3.5 million Civil Action here: |
20240615 Immediately upon return from my day, harassed by SGH frontline worker “Nick” who spirals out of control until telling me I am permanently banned. I attempt to press charges as Nick is literally caught red-handed with a pair of bolt cutters after attempting to break into my locker (see padlock that spoiled his efforts here: ) while I am distracted by police. Instead of arresting Nick and his accomplice security guard Alex:
“Nick”, Alex & “Sweet Boots” Smith seem very GSI-mal to me. |
202312dd (Insert name) of the Region’s “Street Outreach” team performs Harassment by Inaction for the entire day until finally assisting to collect my valuables from the YWCA only to lie to me about where I would end up: lined up on a sidewalk hoping to get into the Region’s “last resort” shelter in a church basement where guests must leave at 07:00 (impossible for me given my 8 pieces of luggage). (insert audio evidence re: “buying back my bed)
Stage 2: Ontario Works (202309dd to present)
started 20240714 17:38 || last updated 20240714 17:38
Both Ontario’s Niagara Region and Ottawa’s Ontario Works employees, in general, seem to be devoid of the ability to reason. Their back-up processes are either non-existent or dysfunctional and the cost per “welfare recipient” must be astronomical. It’s no wonder financial assistance payments are so low: incompetent staff must use all of the Ministry’s budget. Here is my attempt to keep up with the [insert pluralized noun of choice] operating in Ottawa:
Actors (Roles)
A. Nadine Hollington-Bergeron (“Nadine”), the Supervisor
B. Ashley Poole (“Ashley”), the Case Worker
C. Michele McDonald (“Michele”), the ??
D. Fahmida Chowdhury (“Fahmida”), the Back-up
E. The unnamed “Client Care” Specialist, the “Client Care”
F. The unnamed ?Payor? Esss (“Ssssss”)
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Nadine (Ashley’s Supervisor) | Fahmida | Michele | Ashley | Other |
Stage 3: 161 Elgin Street (2015 to present)
started 20240714 17:38 || last updated 20240714 17:38
I ran into shyster Joe Addelman (see at the courthouse. He says “How are you? You look homeless. Are you homeless?
“I’m not homeless: I am divorce-less!”
I’ve been forced to remain married to conman John Kiska against my will since 2013. First, it was the police, doctors and CAS who harboured his wickedness; then, it was the lawyers, judges and Crown prosecutors. This section will attempt to track the current group of piranhas who plague me; though, severely out-numbered and out-resourced, they are a tough network to keep up with due to sheer volumes of [insert adjective of choice] [insert noun of choice].
Actors (Roles)
A. Lauren Konrowski, the “Amicus Curiae“
B. Malcolm Savage et al (“Crown”), the Kiska Cover-up
C. Michelle Doody (“Michelle”), the OPS Cover-up
D. Boxall, Sirivar et al (“OCJ Bench”), the Crown Cover-up
E. Fortier, Corthorn et al. (“SCJ Bench”), the Lawyer Cover-up
F. Bell Baker, Nelligan O’Brien Payne, etc., etc., (“Viper Pit”), the Viper Pit
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Stage 4: No profit? No Service (2013 to present)
started 20240714 17:38 || last updated 20240714 17:38
Actors (Roles)
A. —
B. —
C. —
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For crimes being committed by higher-level sociopaths/demons, see:
- WHO & the Sexualization of Children
- The Crown Corporation
- China & Canada
- Policy Horizons Canada
- Maximus Inc.
- The Transgender Agenda
- Video “There are no forests” (a beautiful reminder for all of my brothers and sisters)
View Teaser || w-i-p Soundtrack list || w-i-p Rolling Credits Covers || w-i-p Outtakes ||View Trailer || “Hit-Boom-Twirl: trying to change the world” w-i-p Song & Dance Moves || Director’s Cut || w-i-p Cast List || (insert link) || Trivial Pursuit – X Edition || draft: The Making of Andeé Jak, an Autobiography
Having trouble digesting how truly wicked our world is? Start with Worldview ❤