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July 23, 2024

started 20240720 || last updated 202408 at 09:10 e.s.t.

This court date was set months ago by Crown’s Malcolm Savage (see and OCJ’s Maria Sirivar (see for:

  1. an Application to circumvent my right to a bilingual criminal trial and
  2. (“in the event he choose to do so”) an Application by RCMP’s Matt Peggs to circumvent my subpoena of him as a witness at my criminal trial.

The charge? A s. 733.1 breach allegation for which I had multiple lawful excuses. What .. a .. racket.

The result?

Another day at 161 Elgin Street, the following documents have been served on me or for me by various syndicate members:


From April 6, 2021 Archives (Is this why I was re-arrested??) >> I tripped over an article a couple of weeks ago and thought I might have a new way to expose the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa. It turned out to be a complete waster of time, other than re-establishing the fact that there is ZERO real oversight of the beasts that operate it. Today’s related posts were:

  • (03:13) After reading that MPP Jill Dunlop requested a third-party investigation of the York Region Children’s Aid Society, I wrote to her requesting that she order a third-party investigation of the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa whose activity actually meets the definition of terrorist activities in the Criminal Code of Canada. I supplied her office with an abundance of evidence of its torts and crimes …
  • (03:30) … and most of my correspondence was ignored. I received this “we could care less, now go away” letter from the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. I may be new to this; however, by virtue of S. 21(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada, if this Ministry has knowledge, or ought to have knowledge, of crimes and torts being committed against children and chooses to do nothing, are they not accomplices/accessories after the fact? It is challenging to understand why the word “children” is actually in this Ministry’s name. It is my view that we should have a new Ministry called the Ministry of Children … and I would like to apply for the job as its Minister because I actually CARE about them. (Mr. Trudeau, would you please remove the number of sociopaths that have infested many of your ministries?)

(12:00) Just another evidence-laden e-mail

(12:30) My plea for help to the MPPs across Ontario

April 6, 2021 (prior to another malicious re-arrest)  < || >  to be continued


Due to the ongoing “Harassment by Inaction” (“HRI”, see below), I am requesting an adjournment of today’s proceedings as well as an adjournment of my 3-day criminal trial (booked by me while in custody) for 20240806-08. To test this process, I used the services of illegally-appointed Lauren Konrowski who offered to help: her bare-bones Application was delayed in typical HRI fashion and filed on 20240722 as evidenced here:

There are many reasons for my need of an adjournment (described in more details below):

  • Overuse injuries
  • Inability to properly prepare
  • Time to respond to Matt Peggs‘ 20240716 Application (see via an Errors, Omissions & Malicious Obfuscation (“EOMO“) Analysis not unlike the ones prepared for:
    • OPSB‘s 2023 vexatious Application viewable here:
    • SCJ’s Justice Ryan Bell‘s endorsement partially completed here:, as well as her scandalous cost award (outline only) published here:
    • SCJ’s Justice Julie Audet‘s endorsement partially completed here:,
    • the very rushed ones prepared for Team CAS + Kiska’s scandalous 2020 Summary Judgment Motion against me (evidenced here: when I managed to produce, for example, a short one included as 20201106 Affidavit #2 with exhibits A-H (after dismissing incompetent, negligent and/or criminal attorney Cedric Nahum (insert link when complete), 
    • Gonen Snir‘s Statement of Defence viewable here:;
    • and, many more available upon request.

I also hope to add to today’s event:

  • a request for consent to a Bail Variation (insert link once scanned) and
  • the required court order for a Fee Waiver Request to receive audio files.* See:
    • “A Guide to Fee Waiver Requests
    • Fee Waiver Request Form and
    • Request Form/Undertaking to the Court for Access to Digital Court Recordings,
  • the scheduling of multiple Certioraris:
    • the legality of the 20220524 extorted Probation Order for “Unlawfully in Dwelling” (ie. my $2,000,000 property to warn my children about what their dad was doing to us via the CAS (see and the courts (eg. see
    • the legality of the multiple, OCJ-issued non-communication orders given the SCJ communication order that existed 20190408-present
  • other items requested of Lauren Konrowski for months (both in and out of custody) including, but not limited to, a Charter Application regarding the legality of my being denied the right to speak to my children’s teachers to see how they are doing in school, sending to my children birthday cards, etc. In other words, the legality of illegal court orders being deemed “valid” pursuant to s. (insert section of this incredibly scandalous judicial loophole).

*Note that obtaining these three documents from 161 Elgin Street staff took perseverance and over six months: it is a well-guarded secret and access to these audio files (ie. evidence of corruption, etc.) remains at the discretion of judiciary officials; meanwhile, a Crown prosecutor can order a written transcript of any hearing at any time with zero personal cost or effort (ie. cherry-pick evidence to support a false-positive conviction). This point will likely be evidenced today: Savage has claimed that I took too long to request a bilingual trial when I always make such requests as soon as possible. As I can no longer afford to order transcripts, I require all of the audio files to prove the exact date of my request and demonstrate that the Crown’s Application to be heard today is entirely vexatious … not to mention ridiculous as illegally self-appointed trial judge Sirivar is … bilingual!


A. Grounds for Adjournments

  1. Overuse Injuries!
  2. Appeal of 20240216 denial of Third-party Records given irrelevance of Crown’s irrelevant objections:
  3. Harassment by Inaction leading to:
    • a) displacement
    • b) impoverishment
    • c) lack of meaningful access to evidence required for a full defence and fair trial
    • x
  4. x

B. Bail Variation

C. Fee Waiver Request

D. Certioraris

E. Matt Peggs’ Circumvention Attempt



Overuse Injuries


(Insert title of photo) Note that I was evicted without reasonable cause or notice, despite being a resident and promised services by case worker “Beni”


(Insert title of photo) Queensway Carleton Hospital provided no assistance. They offered an x-ray for my joint overuse injuries and immobility which made zero sense as nothing was broken. When I declined, they immediately hot-potatoed me to The Well drop-in centre.


(Insert title of photo)  I tried to receive assistance from The Ottawa Hospital.


(Insert title of photo)   Note that Cornerstone is no longer on O’Connor Street and has no beds available, the Shepherds of Good Hope evicted me the day before (as explained) and I am clearly too old for the Youth Services Bureau Shelter.



(Insert title of photo) Note that I received zero “treatment”, other than group harassment, for anything. How much, I wonder, did Dr. Ho charge OHIP for my zero treatment by anyone? 



(Insert title of photo)  Note that I was immediately shuffled off and arrested for trespassing after receiving the taxi chit. 



(Insert title of photo)  Ottawa Police claimed that TOH Security told them I had been asked to leave around 15:00 when, in fact, I was not even seen by anyone until 17:00. Following 12 hours of nonsense, TOH forced me into an injury-worsening discharge plan at approximately 22:00 



(Insert title of photo) I was hot-potatoed to an overflow shelter where all guests must leave by 7:00 and they are provided with a bus ticket only.



(Insert title of photo)  Insert description re: Ontario Works, Taxpayer fraud, Parties to Offence, etc. Discuss evidence stored at Swansea, redacted by OPS, not released by OPS, denied by Crown and Court, etc.



(Insert title of photo)  Meanwhile, my Driver’s Licence and allegedly not received ODSP correspondence is delivered to SGH. (Aside: Is MCCSS designed to funnel the impoverished onto ODSP in anticipation of Chrystia Freeland’s UBI initiatives? Gosh, is there some sort of False Flag Event (see being planned for Ottawa??



(Insert title of photo) Why is the entire judicial system including, but not limited to SCJ’s Justice Tracy Audet (see protecting John Kiska (see as he pays zero dollars in spousal support and squats in my home abusing my children and, likely, my pets?

Could it be …


(Insert title of photo)  As I am still married against my will, I’d like a banjo for my 24th wedding anniversary. There are is a #KaraokeCover that I think would go particularly well with banjo accompaniment (see page 10 of our 20240626 24-page package (below) under 2024 Mail Campaign). 

“Dear Managers” 24-page package

Page 1

(Insert title of photo) 

Pages 2-3

(Insert title of photo) 

Pages 4-5

(Insert title of photo) 


Pages 6-7

(Insert title of photo) 

Pages 8-9

(Insert title of photo) 

Pages 10-11

(Insert title of photo) 


Pages 12-13

(Insert title of photo) 

Pages 14-15

(Insert title of photo) 

Pages 16-17

(Insert title of photo) 


Pages 18-19

(Insert title of photo) 

Pages 20-21

(Insert title of photo) 

Pages 22-23

(Insert title of photo) 


Page 24

(Insert title of photo) Describe the amount of skimming going on at OCDC including, but not limited to, use of counterfeit product.

add new

(Insert title of photo) 

add new

(Insert title of photo) 


What follows is a work-in-progress as I prepare for court in three days while enjoying the nightmare that is Ottawa’s shelter and welfare systems. Last update 20240720

Speaking Notes for 20240723 regarding (1) the adjournment of two improperly-brought-by-others Applications and (2) the ongoing ignorance of several requested-by-me Applications:

  1. Crown’s “Response” to “my” Application (for a bilingual trial) that I never brought (as I have a right to request a bilingual trial .. which I did). 
  2. RCMP’s Matt Peggs’ Application to circumvent five-months-to-serve subpoena
  3. Dealing with recalcitrant, illegally-appointed, Amicus Curiae Lauren Konrowski
  4. Intentional, repeated displacement of me to prevent preparation for any trial on any matter in any court.


re: Group Harassment by Inaction (“HBI”)

(more testimony and evidence to be linked here:

20240513  Outstanding for over four months, subpoena of Matt Peggs finally issued by illegally-appointed Lauren Konrowski (as I approached my 90-day detention review)

20240527  After serving 100+ days for a 20240216 single-event breach allegation (due to a without reasonable cause or notice eviction from Montfort Renaissance (partial details available here:, finally released on bail without any additional conditions,

20240615  Failure by OPS to arrest would-be thieves at Shepherds of Good Hope (insert link to evidence

20240627  Bogus 20240605 Charge finally dropped by Savage and I am released from OCDC, barely able to walk let alone haul luggage.

20240627-present  Ongoing incompetence, negligence and/or criminality of faux shelter Montfort Renaissance Inc. (see resulting civil action finally served 20240722 here:


  • Utter incompetence, negligence and/or criminality (ie. Accessory after the fact, fraud++) by Ontario Works and
  • 20240710 refusal of “complainant” Kiska’s lawyers to acknowledge his ongoing defrauding of me (at page two) as usual 

20240703  Civil Case Management Conference filed behind my back: Marie T. Fortier refuses to allow 2023 evidence to defend against OPSB’s vexatious Application:

20240707  Evicted from Shepherds of Good Hope (while injured) without cause or notice upon return ~12:00 (hear partial audio evidence at bottom of

20240708  Discharged from Queensway Carleton Hospital without care: 

20240709  Discharged from The Ottawa Hospital without care; but, with a doctor’s note that acknowledged my injuries:

20240710  Confirmation, finally, of payment by OW of storage unit

20240711  Boxall Fiasco including ignorance of my request to collapse illegally-obtained, unlawful 20220524 Probation Order (details re: disregarded 2022 “Pre-sentencing Package” here:

20240715  and Application to circumvent bilingual trial here: (Why is this soooo important to Savage???)

**20240717**  Stalked, harassed, threatened & physically assaulted at gang-infiltrated Shepherds of Good Hope (insert link to video

20240717  System-enabled HBI by the Civil branch of 161 Elgin Street re: booking of OPS-related 20240731 Application (see email exchange here:

20240627-present  [insert description regarding incompetence, negligence and/or criminality of Ottawa’s “Ontario Works” operations 


20240723  Kiska’s Request to Admit #1 is due (insert document)

20240731  Kiska’s Request to Admit #2 is due (insert document)


Other Items

20240806-08  OCJ trial for 20231216 s. 733.1 allegation when I had multiple reasonable, lawful excuses of which Savage is already aware: time sought? 30 days & already served 34 … yet adjournment of this 3-day trial has been denied by Savage + he has stated multiple times that he intends to seek an NCR opinion on any finding of guilt. For more on that side of #Mummygate, see: (for starters) and consider the real reasons for my ongoing persecution by this group that goes far beyond the motivations of protecting fraudster/conman John Kiska (see

Today’s minutes—of pfi.ROCKS Archives!—are dedicated to my beautiful children, Sean & Cate Kiska, who have been denied my love and protection for five years, five months and 22 days as I enter my ELEVENTH year attempting to divorce their dad … an undiagnosed malignant narcissist/sociopath who is connected to a massive white-, blue-, thug-collar crime syndicate with ties to international human trafficking.