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Notice / Introduction

(20240822) This work-in-progress list of current 571 pages need to be re-labelled and re-formatted for ease of navigation … and translation. Then, we hope to be in a position to add the 1,000+ original pfi.ROCKS files (and the complete 2019-2024 Archives files).   List of all files is at

ast updated 20250127 15:21 e.s.t.

Proposed site architecture

  1. Notices/Introduction
  2. Mission
    • Enterprise
      • Archives
      • Learning
      • Legal
      • Oversight
  3. pfi/twb.ROCKS Living! Magazine
  1. Criminal Code of Canada
    s. x
    s. 21(1) Parties to offence
    s. 22.1 Organizational negligence
    s. 22.2 Other offences organizations
    s. 23(1) Accessory after the fact
    s. 83.18 [Terrorism] see s. 83.01 for definition/clarity
    s. 126 Disobeying a statute
    s. 127 Disobeying an order
    s. 131 Perjury
    s. 134 Giving a false sworn statement
    s. 137 Fabricating evidence
    s. 139(1) Obstructing justice
    s. 140 Public Mischief
    s. 264 Criminal harassment
    s. 264.1 Uttering threats
    s. 269.1 Torture
    s. 279.01 Trafficking in persons
    s. 322(1) Theft
    s. 380(1)(b) Fraud
    s. 300/301 Defamatory libel
    s. 346(1) Extortion
    s. 366 Forgery
    s. 423.1(1)(c) Intimidation of [a journalist]
    s. 429 Wilfully causing event to occur
    s. 430 Mischief
    s. 465(1)(b) Conspiracy to prosecute
  2. Domestic Terrorism
  3. Crimes Against Humanity
  1. Understanding Predators/Resources
    • Bill Gates ()
    • Elon Musk
    • King Charles
    • Klaus Scwaub ()
  1. #Mummygate, the screenplay
    • Directors
    • Cast
    • Treatment
    • Soundtrack
    • Rolling Credits
  2. pfi/twb.ROCKS Products & Services!
    • Introspection-based [Healing] Kit
    • Welcome to Homelessness!
    • The Shelter Hub
  3. About Us