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pfi.ROCKS Government Services!
What is Niagara Housing “Assistance”?
Is it part of the Solution? Or, is it absolutely part of the Problem.
article started 20231013 – last updated 20231030 09:50 e.s.t.
Trafficking via Children’s Aid Societies, Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice & a TON of lawyers || Torture via ODSP, Ontario Works & Regional Housing || Terrorization by Ontario’s Ministry of the Attorney General via 🔜 Theft, Fraud & more via Ottawa’s Police + Crown prosecutors, Ontario’s OCL, FRO, PG&T, C&CB and more
by Andeé Sea Cae Jak
I arrived at the YWCA women’s shelter on 20230929 where I shall stay temporarily until I can secure safe housing. In order to stay, I need to evidence my search efforts; so, here they are:
The Cause of my Current Homelessness & Poverty
- Family court-enabled Domestic Violence (or #TDVCA)
Evidenced in Ottawa-based court file #FC-15-2446*, I am entering my eleventh year attempting to divorce John Kiska (“Kiska”); a covert, malignant narcissist who is:
- a) currently being “represented”, aided and harboured by Cheryl Hess (“Hess”) and her assistant Katherine Ghadaksaz of Bell Baker, LLP),
- b) assisted, aided and harboured by judicial officials including, but not limited to, Tracy Engelking and Pamela MacEachern and
- c) assisted, aided and harboured by law enforcement including, but not limited to, the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary and the Ottawa Police Services Board who have brought a vexatious, vexatious Application against me (see evidence at #Mummygate).
- * This is a work-in-progress. Clearly, the filename should be enough evidence of the front for organized crime that is oversight & accountability-free “Family court” … a branch of civil court that enables complete circumvention of protections from domestic violence codified in Canada’s Divorce Act.
Ongoing Civil actions
Due to the complicity of Ottawa Police which, among other things, claim that [court-enabled] crime is “a civil matter”, I am being trafficked through that branch of Ontario’s judicial system as well and involved in multiple Civil actions:
- a) CV- for $3,000,000 against initial family lawyer, Michéle Blais of Victor Vallance Blais LLP, who did zero but assist Kiska and defraud me in both Family and Civil court;
- b) CV- for $250,000 against crooked Quebec-based psychiatrist Dr. Paule Kemgni who maliciously held me for 21-days in 2019 so:
- my well-appointed 3-bedroom home could be emptied and $500,ooo in possessions could be stolen via an Eviction Scam,
- SCJ Calum MacLeod could illegally issue a final/not-final sole custody and access order for Kiska’s benefit and
- produce a “Not Criminally Responsible” Opinion based entirely on Kiska’s hearsay, when only a Fitness to Stand Trial assessment was ordered, I stood trial and was acquitted;
- c) CV- for $250,000 against Kiska for his participation in the Kemgni-related torts noted at item 2 b) above. Note that this was initially one Ontario-based action; however, just-another-crooked judge (Heather Williams) forced me to split it into two;
- d) CV- for $3,000,000 against another two Shysters, Joe Addelman and Gonen Snir; the former who committed multiple torts and crimes while acting as my defence attorney and the latter committing same while acting as my family attorney. They are currently being represented, aided and harboured by Nelligan LLP’s Craig O’Brien et al and Gardiner Roberts LLP’s James Cook LLP, respectively, as well as assisted by two judiciary officials Sylvia Corthorn and Marie T. Fortier;
- e) CV- for $13,200,000 against Ottawa Police Services Board for their involvement in Kiska’s screenplay-worthy, relentless, domestic violence labelled #Mummgygate which now implicates the criminal activity of Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (“BLG”), Royal Ottawa Mental Health Center (“ROMHC”) Chief of Staff Gayle Yenta Beck and Ottawa Mayor Mark Sutcliffe (as Beck chairs OPSB, Sutcliffe is also on the Board and BLG is committing crime to ensure the cover-up is successful).
f) pending SC-23-xxxxx for ~$4,000 against NL’s Shelene Crawley for theft/de-frauding of my final few thousand dollars which also contributed to my current state of homelessness. Note that I am attempting to convince RNC that she should be charged; else, her list of profitable targets as she poses as some reputable person is virtually endless (as is the likelihood that her greed and/or desperation will lead to the elder abuse of her elderly, affluent mother).
- g) pending CV-23-xxxxx against Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa for multiple torts including, but not limited to, the intentional infliction of emotional suffering and mental harm of my children:
- Sean Charles Kiska (d.o.b. 20060805) and
- Cate Stella Kiska (d.o.b. 20071130)
who have been nothing but gaslit (aka psychologically abused) by their biological father (Kiska) and his many taxpayer-funded and/or court-enabled accomplices for over ten years.
- h) pending CV-23-xxxxx against Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa for multiple torts including, but not limited to, the intentional infliction of emotional suffering and mental harm of my children:
- Sean Charles Kiska (d.o.b. 20060805) and
- Cate Stella Kiska (d.o.b. 20071130)
who have been nothing but gaslit (aka psychologically abused) by their biological father (Kiska) and his many taxpayer-funded and/or court-enabled accomplices for over ten years.
i) pending CV-24-xxxxx against Ontario’s Ministry of the Attorney General for multiple torts including, but not limited to, malicious prosecution of me and the intentional infliction of emotional suffering and mental harm of me and my two children.
j) pending CV-YY-xxxxx against Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre for multiple torts including, but not limited to, Defamatory libel, Fraud and the intentional infliction of emotional suffering and mental harm of me and my two children. I had thought that the Statute of Limitations (“SoL”) ended my opportunity on 20220504 (when I was too busy preparing to flee from Ontario and being extorted into an unlawful, 20220524 Probation Order by Crown prosecutor Mike Boyce and Syndicate-player Alyssa Jervis); however, as ROMHC has chosen (via Beck‘s 2023 appointment to oversee the OPSB) to continue its crimes of Torture, Trafficking and Terrorization via OPSB’s vexatious, vexatious Application, the SoL clock hasn’t even started ticking yet.
Instructions from Niagara Region’s Ontario Works
On 20230918, an astute, Niagara Region-based, Ontario Works employee realized that me requiring social assistance was not only pure insanity but, also (among other things) fraud against Ontario taxpayers and requested that I:
- a) contact Legal Aid Ontario (“LAO”) regarding:
- overdue, retroactive support in the amount of over $432,000 (82 months x $6,000 = $492,000 – approximate amount paid of $60,000)
- overdue, retroactive, occupational rent in the amount of $82,000 (82 months x ($3,500 – 1,500) / 2)
- half of the value of the matrimonial home; $1,000,000 (it’s MPAC was over $1,000,000 in 2016; so, given the real estate market over the past seven years, that value should have doubled if Kiska has maintained the property;
- b) apply for ODSP given the degree of insomnia I endure knowing that Sean and Cate have be “raised” by nothing but a sadistically abusive sociopath without my protection since February 2019; during the COVID-related insanity and the current public school-related insanity and
- c) contact local MPP Wayne Gates for assistance with the never-ending, court-enabled crime that I’ve been forced to endure; however, I decided to contact a few others … as creatively as possible including, but not limited to, social media platforms and Karaoke Covers such as “338 who Applaud and That’s All.)
Updates for Niagara Regional Housing
Current Employment Status: Still unemployed despite my application efforts, education & experience as of 20231028.
Current income/expenses: Still no spousal support or response from Kiska’s multiple court-enabled accomplices as of 20231028. Ergo,
Monthly income from Ontario Works:
Monthly expenses to endure/report ongoing domestic violence & organized crime + attend court:
Basic Additional
Net Income
$ 343.00 75.00
$ 418.00
$ 200.62/mo*
or $6.59/day
AOT fee**
SAQOTU fee**
$ 28.25
$ 217.38
Ergo, there’s clearly nothing “extra” available to contribute to OW’s $390/month housing allowance.
*additional legal expense for November is a ?$250? fee for cross-examination of Crime Syndicate members Crystal Murphy and Michelle Doody.
**These amounts represent the annual filing fees to keep my two, federally-incorporated, businesses (consulting: AdvisorOnTrack Inc. and media: SAQOTU Inc.) active.
FYI: S. 21(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada states that: “every one is a party to an offence who
(a) actually commits it;
(b) does or omits to do anything for the purpose of aiding any person to commit it; or
(c) abets any person in committing it.
Ergo, everyone badgering me for “updates” on my current income and/or housing status and not reporting the obvious court-enabled, organized crime to law enforcement is a defacto “Party” to each “Offence” which I have evidenced here; or, at a minimum not part of the solution.
Actions taken to end my homelessness status (in reverse, chronological order):
Move to November: appeal the Gomery, Williams, Bell and (possibly) Fortier decision (due 20231101).
20231031 (14:50) Created, produced and published new Karaoke Cover “50 Ways to [***] You Over” and posted it to Twitverse.✔️ Could not serve Notice on KC as funds not yet deposited. Follow up with LAO-Family, LAO-criminal, FRO/OW
20231030 l/m w AB re FRO ✔️ E-mailed FRO re: missing document & more ✔️posted likely MCCSS Fraud on Twitter✔️ Continued w draft 1 of action against CAS ✔️ Re-served my Application against Paule Kemgni (she should have settled 36 months ago: hopefully, she’ll be deported) ✔️ prepared Notice for MAG re: $50M Civil Action✔️ Requested some of funds that Kiska owes me from Hess ✔️
20231028-29 Continued to draft/publish $10M civil action against the demon-managed carcasses that operate Ottawa’s CAS–to be served next week.
20231023-27 Followed up with OW (provided SOI 20231025), FRO and LAO-related resources; commenced drafting of $50M Civil Action against Ontario’s Ministry of the Attorney General & decided to frame it as a screenplay in order to improve readership of all the evidence I have amassed against them. (Hope to fit in details on Maximus Inc., Policy Horizons Canada and other wicked agendas exposed here; drafted, served and filed Application re scanadalous McCarthy Tetrault lawfare employed to protect crooked psychiatrist Paule Kemgni.
20231022 As well as apply for multiple jobs throughout the week, I completed the NRH housing application and Homelessness Status form evidencing, among other things, the pure insanity that is Ontario’s Family Court. Began the VIS pages for CAS-enabled sociopaths Brian Fisher and Deborah Souder. Re-connected with surveillance expert Kevin Haggerty and added more details to the VIS page for my mother and one of my sisters, Eileen Moore.
20231021 Heard back from a landlord: the opening is now a shared room for $390/month, male only. No other responses received. Heard of Kristina Fedchyshak’s lawyer-enabled torture and began to publish her story at Fedchyshak v. Fedchyshak.
20231020 As directed by LAO, connected with FName LName and FName LName re: family and criminal aspects of legal quagmire: ask for details. Also, followed up with missing fax from FRO: they said fax on 20231013 didn’t go through [and no one was bright enough to simply mail the information to me]. They claimed they would “mail it on Monday” … “because there’s nobody in the office right now”.
20231019-20 Zero responses from the Court-enabled Demons (“CEDs”) with the exception of CAS agent-come-employee, Brian Fisher (who is incapable of experiencing intellectual fear: confident he’ll never be persecuted for his crimes). I’m looking forward to one of many attempts to continue to access unredacted files (ie. evidence against Kiska and the CAS and something the Syndicate does not want me to have as it will make “Daddy hit Mommy” look like a love letter and reveal taxpayer-funded, for-profit CAS for what it really is: a criminal enterprise).
20231018 Continued to draft $10M Civil Action against the CAS and requested the unredacted files to which I’ve been entitled (yet denied) since 2019; responded to OCJ’s goofy 20231018 e-mail and re-requested a S. 7 Application date and 13 responses/documents from various Syndicate players; notified Galarneau & Associates of my pending Civil Action against them;
20231017 Continued to draft $10M Civil Action against the CAS; attempted to schedule a full-day S. 7 Application in criminal court: instead, some TBST was scheduled for 20231103 and I’m supposed to “file the appropriate paperwork”; awaiting responses from several online rooms-for-rent listings.;
20231016 Nearly completed the NRH Application for Housing (even though there’s a ?12-year? wait list and tried to move legal quagmire forward by:
- beginning draft of $10M Civil Action against the CAS
- completing my S. 7 Application to correct severe “Abuse of Process” committed by Ottawa’s Crown et al. and e-mailing it to the “Virtual Office“
- requested an accurate tally of number of malicious 2019-2022 criminal court appearances & cc’d BLG (due to their vexatious, vexatious Application)
- began to upload my 2019 Mail Campaign which documented some of the Government of Ontario-enabled Torture being committed against me.
20231015 AS well as apply for multiple jobs throughout the week, I built html page to track/publish the progress on my ODSP Application and edited this page.
20231014 Sabbath
- E-mailed local politicians and community members who claim to have “Access to Affordable Housing” as part of their platform, portfolio &/or job.
- Prepared this update page to facilitate Ms. Schaefer’s monitoring of my “end homelessness” activities.
- Collected the ODSP form from OW
- Connected with FRO and requested the OW-required report so social assistance could continue
- Connected with OW re: ODSP & FRO status
- Contacted NRPS to ask if file #23-104046 had been assigned to a detective yet (as I had additional information) and informed them I was being asked to “leave for two hours” until I agreed to be accountable for my observations made about Ms. Schaefer.
- Met with Ms. Schaefer and found it difficult to manage my newly-emerged frustrations.
- Connected with lawyer regarding the ridiculous LAO certificate: 2 hours for an opinion letter on entitlement to fair, retroactive spousal support, my legislation-protected share of the $1-2M matrimonial home and the illegally-obtained, restraining order.
- Connected with LAO re: denial of funding to appeal unlawful, illegally-obtained 20230522 “Probation Order” which effectively sentenced my children to 6 years without my protection from Kiska even though I pleaded guilty to nothing and was convicted of nothing: simply duped by another crooked lawyer, Alyssa Jervis.
(insert details)
20231010 Met with Quest’s nurse practitioner Agnes Etaka (Quest, 145 Queenston Drive) regarding my ODSP application due to insomnia caused by the mourning over the loss of my children, ongoing domestic violence, court-enabled Trafficking, Torture, Terrorism and other crimes/torts.
20231004 Requested a response from multiple Syndicate members regarding the status of current legal matters with attachments:
- #1 Urgent Motion in FC-15-2446 seeking multiple relief in scandalous divorce: request outstanding for over 60 days.
- #2 Fortier’s outstanding endorsement re: Combined Reply for my $3M Civil Action against Two Shysters who still have a $250K lien on my home: Addelman & Snir in CV-22-89804
- #3 Cross-examination of BLG’s pathological liars in CV-23-91267
- #4 Receipts from thieving landlord and, likely, GSI-mal member Shelene Crawley
- #5 Whereabouts of OCDSB admin staff Aisling O’Donnell & Greg Wyzynski
20230918 Applied for Social Assistance in the Niagara Region
20220804-20230908 Experienced NL’s lawlessness
20230731 Fled Ontario seeking legitimate law enforcement in the province of Newfoundland & Labrador (“NL”)
20190628-20230730 Ask for draft documentary
Ergo, in my opinion, the number of safe, secure, quiet, utilities-included rooms available in the Niagara Region for $390/month as of 20231028 total:
- Facebook’s Marketplace: 0
- Roomies: 0
- Kijiji: 0
- Other: 0
Status of court-enabled Legal Quagmire*? It’s here.
Deirdre Moore, BBA, (former CFA)
Devoted-mum, whistle-blower, demon slayer & court jester
(613) 848-6832 dmoore@pfi.rocks
*This evidence will also be used for ODSP application re: parameters required to avoid another abuse-induced psychotic break with tens of thousands of dollars funneled through OHIP to a for-profit hospital such as The Ottawa Hospital or equivalent.
- Link to work-in-progress articles “Is poverty in Canada orchestrated by governments?”
- Meet Family court, court-ordered “support” + “enforcement” agencies; the dynamic duo that manifests as multiple crimes including Fraud via Ontario’s Financial Responsibility Office (“FRO”).
- Meet Legal Aid Ontario (LAO”), the Law Society of Ontario (“LSO”) and Ontario’s Ministry of the Attorney General (“MAG”).
- Meet Ontario Works (“OW”).
- Meet the Ontario Disability Support Program (“ODSP”)
- Meet Walter Kim, and likely all that you’ll find at Doug Downey’s Public Guardian and Trustee as the province justifies its own beyond-reproach crime with reckless abandon.
- It gets worse: meet #Maximus Inc.
- It gets worse: meet #PolicyHorizonsCanada
- It gets worse: meet #TheCrownCorporation